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定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 罗英 主编 郑艳秋 副主编
出版社: 化学工业出版社
标 签: 高职高专教材 教材 外语


ISBN: 9787122205490 出版时间: 2014-10-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  本教材以实际工作场景为编写背景,以符合岗位特色的实例和题目为编写内容,以工作过程中的若干具体任务为单元编写核心,将行业知识、行业技能、职业行为、情感因素等有机整合起来,注重培养学生的实际能力,提高学生的职业技能。书中精心设计了欢迎篇、航空服务篇、地铁客运服务篇、其他交通服务篇和结束篇五个教学单元。每个单元包括 Warming up(热身活动)、Listening and Speaking(听与说)、Reading and Writing(读与写)、Culture Corner(文化角),内容精炼、图文并茂,提供生动形象的教学资料,以便激发学习兴趣。教材本着为课堂教学和岗位培训服务的宗旨,在设计上采用了任务探究的编写模式,结合工作岗位设定任务。 本书为高职高专院校、中等职业学校航空服务专业、城市轨道交通专业及相关专业的教材,也可供行业相关培训、岗前培训使用。




Welcome Unit / 1

Lesson 1 Air transportation / 3
Lesson 2 Ground public transportation / 8
Lesson 3 Metro transportation / 14
Lesson 4 Offshore cruise ship services / 19

Unit 1 Airport Service / 25

Lesson 1 Can you clear the items on the Air Ticket? / 26
Lesson 2 How to deal with my luggage? / 32
Lesson 3 Miss,can you direct the seat for me? / 37
Lesson 4 What are they? Life vest! Oxygen mask... / 43
Lesson 5 What's the reason for the delay? / 46
Lesson 6 Do you want a cup of tea? / 51
Lesson 7 How to help the sick passenger on the plane? / 55
Lesson 8 Would you like to read a magazine? / 60
Lesson 9 What present would you like to buy in duty-free shop? / 65

Unit 2 Metro Service / 71

Lesson 1 Welcome to take the subway? / 73
Lesson 2 How to get to Xi Dan by subway? / 76
Lesson 3 How much is the Subway Ticket? / 80
Lesson 4 How to use the station equipment? / 85
Lesson 5 Let's pay attention to the station notice and broadcast. / 89

Unit 3 Other Transportation Service / 95

Lesson 1 How can I get there by bus? / 96
Lesson 2 Taking a railway to go to Shanghai / 101
Lesson 3 Is it economical to take a taxi? / 106
Lesson 4 The first time of taking a ship / 110
Lesson 5 Self-driving tour / 114

Ending Unit / 119

Lesson 1 What kind of internship job do we know and can we take? / 121
Lesson 2 How to make a self-introduction / 122
Lesson 3 Let's do a Job interview / 124
Lesson 4 Let's do more exercises / 125

附录 / 128
参考文献 / 130
