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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语四六级大学体验英语快速阅读教程4(第3版)



定 价:¥30.00

作 者: 孙萍 著; 崔敏,刘龙根 编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: "十二五"普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材
标 签: 大学英语 外语学习


ISBN: 9787040397970 出版时间: 2014-07-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 151 字数:  






Introduction to Important Reading Strategies and Skills
Unit 1 Learning
Text A Learning and the Brain
Text B Teenage Brains
Unit 2 Employer and Employee Satisfaction
Text A Telecommuting
Text B Stupid Jobs Are Good to Relax with
Unit 3 Social Problems.
Text A Workplace Violence Is a Source of and Reaction to Stress
Text B To Arm or Not to Arm
Unit 4 Strategies
Text A Language Learning Strategies
Text B How to Make Math Class Interesting?
Unit 5 Traffic and Transportation
Text A Seat Belt Usage
Text B Smarter Cities Program
Unit 6 National and International Politics
Text A Politics of Australia
Text B Political Apologies
Unit 7 New Technologies
Text A New Technologies Create New Problems
Text B How to Use Your Laptop to Locate an Earthquake
Unit 8 Competition
Text A Knowledge-based Competition
Text B Why Competition Is Good
Unit 9 Energy
Text A Energy Sources and Uses
Text B What Breakthroughs Do Biofuels Need?
Unit 10 Health
Text A Should Dentists Offer Health Screenings?
Text B Five Ways to Keep Your Fitness Resolutions Alive
Unit 11 Forest and Nature
Text A Dry, Hot and Windy
Text B Drug Trafficking Poses Surprising Threats to Rain Forests
Unit 12 Ecosystem
Text A Can Ecosystems Be Eestored?
Text B Warmer, Werrwe and Better
Unit 13 Deserts
Text A Deserts
Text B Sahara
Unit 14 Tourist Attractions
Text A Grand Canyon National Park
Text B Athens City Break Guide
Unit 15 Matters of Public Concern
Text A Privacy, Neither Absolute nor Highly Valued
Text B Reasons for Extramarital Affairs
Unit 16 Invention
Text A About Crittercam
Text B Steven Jobs
Unit 17 Environment
Text A European Youth Face Environmental Hazards
Text B What Killed the Great Beasts of North America?
Unit 18 Living Species
Text A Warming to Extinction
Text B The Secret of Dolphins'''' Speed Is Not Skin-deep
Answer Key
