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每天2分钟原声新闻精华,VOA2015 慢速(攻克新闻英语听力的必备手册,学习方法+同步字幕)

每天2分钟原声新闻精华,VOA2015 慢速(攻克新闻英语听力的必备手册,学习方法+同步字幕)

定 价:¥45.00

作 者: 米娅
出版社: 机械工业出版社
标 签: 其它行业外语 外语 行业英语


ISBN: 9787111476399 出版时间: 2014-10-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  VOA慢速英语(VOA Special English)是美国之音电台专为全世界非英语国家初学英语的听众安排的一种简易、规范的英语节目,它的播音速度、内容以及用词范围都有规定,语速平均每分钟90个单词,词汇量在1500左右,达到了既能为听众提供信息而又不损害英语本身风格的目的,是非常适合初学者学习英语的资料。本系列与市面同类书相比有以下明显优势:1. 每篇新闻配备相应音频的二维码,只需用手机轻轻一扫便可打开音频收听。2. 每篇新闻都配有同步字幕,只要用支持字幕的播放器,播放随书附带的音频便可显示同步字幕。手机电脑都可以用哦!3. 附赠音频均为新闻原声,并根据内容相应剪辑,这是冗长的官网原材料所无法媲美的。可谓原汁原味,简短干练,是练就听力的最佳材料。4. 每篇新闻长度都在2分钟以内,学习无压力。即使一篇新闻听5遍,也不过是10分钟,完全可以在上班、上学路上轻松完成一篇新闻的学习。5.每篇新闻都有关于听力技巧、背景知识和语法结构三方面的详尽解析,可以轻松实现英语能力的全方位突破。6.每篇新闻都对疑难词汇进行了注解,并标注了四六级,让你有针对性地扩大词汇量,更加有的放矢地练习考级听力。


暂缺《每天2分钟原声新闻精华,VOA2015 慢速(攻克新闻英语听力的必备手册,学习方法+同步字幕)》作者简介


Unit 1 百姓生活
1. Tablet Computers Most Wanted Gift This Holiday 平板电脑继续引领节日礼物市场
2. Televisions Stole the Spotlight at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas 电视成为拉斯维加斯消费电子展上的焦点
3. Grand Central Terminal Turns 100 纽约大中央车站建成100周年
4. Growing Beets 种植甜菜
5. Getting a Birth Certificate in Indonesia Can Be an Administrative Nightmare 印尼儿童获取出生证是一个行政噩梦
6. The Dangers of Living Near the Toxic Dump 居住在有毒垃圾场附近的危害
7. Chinatowns in the United States 美国的唐人街
Unit 2 各国动态
8. Barack Obama Begins 2nd Term as President 奥巴马开始总统第二任期
9. Pope Benedict Says Goodbye as Leader of the Worldwide Roman Catholic Church 教皇本笃十六世正式辞职离开梵蒂冈
10. Obama Administration on the Defensive 奥巴马政府多方被动
11. Nigeria Struggles to Control Violence 尼日利亚努力控制暴力
12. US Senate Votes to Open Debate on Immigration Bill 美国参议院经过投票开始对移民法案进行讨论
13. Reformer Wins Surprise Victory in Iranian Presidential Election 改革派在伊朗选举中意外胜出
14. Investigating the Crash of Asiana Airlines Flight 214 美韩调查韩亚航空214号班机失事事件
15. Egyptian Judge Orders Continued Detention of Ousted President 埃及法官下令继续拘押被废黜总统穆尔西
16. Intelligence Gathering, Leaks Dominate US News 情报收集与泄密充斥美国新闻头条
Unit 3 国际关系
17. Palestinians Cheer UN General Assembly Vote 巴勒斯坦欢庆“入联”梦圆
18. America’s New Secretary of State Talks Foreign Policy 美国新任国务卿克里大话外交政策
19. Venezuela Mourns President Hugo Chavez 委内瑞拉悼念查韦斯总统
20. The Meeting of BRICS Nations in South Africa 金砖国家领导人在南非会晤
21. Croatia Joined the European Union 克罗地亚加入欧盟
Unit 4 经济热点
22. American Intelligence Report Predicts China Will Be World’s Leading Economic Power by 2030 美国情报机构预测2030年中国将成为全球最大经济体
23. US Congress Avoids Fiscal Cliff, Postpones Budget Decision 为避免财政悬崖,美国国会延期预算决定
24. World Bank Makes Predictions for Global Economy 世界银行发布2013年度《全球经济展望》报告
25. EU Agrees to 1.3 Trillion Budget 欧盟批准1.3万亿美元财政预算
26. Corruption in Asia Slows Economic Growth 亚洲腐败问题拖累经济增长
27. IMF Lowers Its Outlook for World Economy 国际货币基金组织下调世界经济预期
28. Major US City Detroit Files for Bankruptcy 美国大城市底特律申请破产
Unit 5 社会万象
29. Older Populations Are a Fact of Life for Many Countries 多数国家人口老龄化已成事实
30. E-Commerce Challenges Traditional Stores 电子商务挑战传统商店
31. A New Way to Shop: The Fashion Truck 时尚货车
32. Mobile Telephones Changing Lives in Africa 手机改变非洲人生活方式
33. International Women’s Day 国际妇女节
34. Social Isolation Increased Mortality in Older People 社交孤独导致老年人死亡率上升
35. About One-third of US Nurses Struggle to Find Work 美国三分之一的护士找工作难
36. Overweight Children in Developing Countries 发展中国家超重儿童数量急剧增加
37. Yoga for the Underserved 用瑜伽课帮助边缘群体
Unit 6 教育改革
38. Vietnamese Man Wants a “Book Revolution” in His Country 越南男子希望在他的国家有一场“书籍改革”
39. Dressing for Success at School 学校里的成功式着装
40. UNICEF Reported Good News about Education in Somalia 联合国儿童基金会报告索马里在教育方面的好消息
41. Law Schools in the United States Focuses More on Practical Work 美国法学院更注重实践
42. Using Student Writing to Teach Global Issues 使用学生作品来教导全球性问题
43. Kenya’s Pledge to Provide Every First-year Student with a Laptop 肯尼亚承诺为每位一年级学生提供一台笔记本电脑
44. Online Classes might Revolutionize Colleges 网上课程可能会彻底改变大学
45. US Lawmakers Debate Education Issues 美国立法者讨论教育问题
46. US Supreme Court Avoids Ruling on Affirmative Action Case 美国高等法院未对招生平权法案做最终裁决
47. Build a School in Burma 在缅甸兴建学校
Unit 7 健康人生
48. The Ups and Downs of Living Longer 寿命延长方面的此长彼消
49. Study Finds Overweight People Have Lower Risk of Death 研究表明:超重人群死亡的风险较低
50. Poor Oral Health Leads to Social and Emotional Problems 蛀牙会导致社会和情绪问题
51. How to Stay Warm and Safe in Freezing Weather 严寒天气如何保暖
52. Watching for Early Signs of Autism in Babies 儿童自闭症的早期迹象
53. Memory Decline May Be Earliest Sign of Alzheimer’s 记忆力减退可能是老年痴呆前兆
54. Study: Pregnant Women Not Gaining Access to Malaria Prevention 研究发现孕妇未进行疟疾预防
55. With Physical Activity, No Need to Be an Olympian 运动不足成全球流行病
Unit 8 环境能源
56. Should Whales Be Hunted or Watched? 鲸鱼应该被捕捉或观赏吗?
57. To Protect Rhinos, Anti-Poaching Business Grows in South Africa 南非保安公司开展反偷猎业务保护犀牛
58. Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow! 任雪飞舞,飞舞吧,飞舞!
59. New Study Predicts Huge Species Loss from Climate Change 新研究预测气候变化将导致严重的物种损失
60. Mining Company Cortec Confirms Rare Minerals in Coastal Kenya 科塔克矿业公司在肯尼亚沿海发现稀有金属矿产
61. The Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Shrinking 南极洲冰架正在缩小
Unit 9 粮食农业
62. New Rules Aim to Improve US Food Safety 美国出台新规定提升食品安全
63. Life Not So Sweet for Nigerian Sugar Farmers 尼日利亚糖农现状艰难
64. USDA Agreed to Change the Design of Meat Labels 美国农业部同意变更肉类标签设计
65. DRC Farmers Facing Theft Switch to Less Edible Crops 刚果农民改种不易被窃取的食物
66. Getting a Firm Grip on Weed Control 控制杂草生长的办法
67. US Senate Repeals One Farm Subsidy, Adds Another 美国参议院废除一项农业补贴又增加新的农业补贴
68. US Finds Unapproved Form of Wheat in Oregon 美国俄勒冈州发现未经批准种植的转基因小麦
69. The Changing Landscape of U.S. Farm Production 美国农场生产的变化
Unit 10 军事安全
70. Shooting at Connecticut School Has Americans Re-Examining Gun Laws 康涅狄格校园枪击案迫使美国人重新审视枪支法
71. Rights Group Calls for Ban on Fully Autonomous Killer Robots 人权组织呼吁禁止全自主式杀人机器人
72. President Obama Preparing to Receive Gun Policy Recommendations 奥巴马总统准备接受枪支政策建言
73. The Debate Over Targeted Killings 关于无人机定点清除的争议
74. Search for Boston Bombers 追捕波士顿爆炸案犯
75. Egyptians Mourn Victims of Recent Violence 埃及哀悼近期暴力事件受害者
Unit 11 灾害救援
76. Pets in Natural Disasters 陷入自然灾害的宠物
77. Tragedy at One School, Renewal at Another 一所学校的惨案,一所学校的复兴
78. Benefit Concert for Hurricane Victims 为飓风灾民义演
79. Bangladesh Building Collapse Kills More Than 500 孟加拉国建筑倒塌造成超过500人丧生
80. Rebuilding in Moore after Deadly Tornado 致命龙卷风席卷俄州后开始重建
81. Hot Weather Is Becoming More Common in More Places 许多地区高温天气越发常见
Unit 12 科技探索
82. Biological Pacemaker Cells 生物起搏器细胞群
83. Lifelong Bilingualism Gives Seniors Mental Edge 终生双语环境给了老年人心智优势
84. Major Progress in Health through Technology 健康卫生形势在科技上的重大发展
85. IBM Says Computers Will See, Taste, Smell, Touch and Hear Things Better in the Future IBM预测5年内改变世界的五大新技术
86. Navigation App Helps Predict Traffic Conditions 可预测交通状况的导航应用程序
87. New Generation of Laptops Spell Trouble for PCs 新一代笔记本对个人电脑造成麻烦
88. Scientists for the First Time Create Human Stem Cells through Cloning 科学家首次通过克隆获取人类干细胞
89. New iPhone App Improves the Chance of Survival for Heart Attack Victims 提高心脏病患者生存机会的新iPhone应用程序
90. Goal Line Technology Makes Its Debut in International Football 门线技术首次亮相世界足坛
91. New Digital Library to Display World On the Internet 互联网上的世界数字图书馆
Unit 13 体育娱乐
92. Bruce Springsteen Honored for Aid Work 布鲁斯?斯普林斯汀因援助工作受以荣誉
93. Oscar Nominations 奥斯卡提名
94. Nam June Paik Turned Video into an Object of Art 白南准——变影像为艺术的人
95. The 55th Grammy Awards 第55届格莱美颁奖典礼
96. A 16-year-old International Chess Champion 16岁国际象棋冠军
97. Americans Making Final Preparations for Super Bowl Sunday 美国人为周日的超级碗决赛做最后准备
98. Style Harlem Shake and Psy's Gangnam Style 哈林抖肩舞和鸟叔的江南
99. Wrestling May Still Be an Olympic Sport 摔跤仍可能是一项奥林匹克运动
100. The Increasing Popularity of Hip-hop Music and Dance 嘻哈音乐与舞蹈广受欢迎
Unit 14 词汇掌故
101. Words and Their Stories: Losing It 词汇掌故:无能为力
102. Words and Their Stories: Money Talks词汇掌故:论金钱
103. Words and Their Stories: Swan Song 词汇掌故:天鹅之歌
104. Words and Their Stories: Fall Guy 词汇掌故:替罪羊
105. Words and Their Stories: Nicknames for Chicago 词汇掌故:芝加哥昵称
106. Words and Their Stories: I’m Feeling Very Blue 词汇掌故:我很难过
107. Words and Their Stories: Dog Talk 词汇掌故:和狗有关的词语
108. Words and Their Stories: Chip on Your Shoulder 词汇掌故:准备随时吵嘴
109. Proverbs Tell About Love, War and Money 与金钱和爱情有关的谚语
110. Words and Their Stories: We Put Things in “Apple Pie Order” 词汇掌故:井然有序
Unit 15 传记故事
111. Johnny Cash: “The Man in Black” Recorded More Than One Thousand Songs during His Life 约翰尼?卡什:“黑衣人”在其一生中录制超过1000首歌曲
112. Shirley Horn: One of the Great Jazz Singers of the 1950s and 1960s 雪莉?霍恩:二十世纪五六十年代最伟大的爵士歌手之一
113. Eartha Kitt, 1927-2008: Singer, Actress and “Catwoman” 美国演员歌手艾萨?凯特(1927-2008)
114. Mae West: The Wild Woman of Film and Stage 梅?韦斯特:银幕妖女
115. Rachel Carson: Environmentalist and Author 雷切尔?卡森:环境学家和作者
116. William Randolph Hearst: He Created What Was Once the Nation's Largest Newspaper Organization 威廉?伦道夫?赫斯特:他一度开创了美国最大的报纸集团
117. Frederick Douglass: He Fought for Freedom and Equality for African-Americans 弗雷德里克?道格拉斯:他为非裔美国人的自由与平等而奋斗
118. Jerome Kern: The Father of American Musical Theater 杰罗姆?柯恩:美国音乐剧之父
119. Edward R. Murrow, 1908-1965: The Famous Radio and Television Reporter Helped Create Modern News Broadcasting爱德华?默罗(1908-1965—美国广播新闻界的缔造者
120. Billy Wilder, 1906-2002: He Changed the History of American Movies 比利?怀尔德(1906-2002)改变了美国电影业
