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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语商务英语商务英语泛读(第二册)



定 价:¥18.00

作 者: 叶兴,柳爱平
出版社: 北京工业大学出版社
标 签: 商业英语 外语 行业英语


ISBN: 9787563940370 出版时间: 2014-10-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  






Unit One Business in China Part One Lead-in and Warming-up Part Two Texts  Text A: China's Business Culture--Golden Hints for Doing Business in China  Text B: Importing from China--Managing Your Risks Part Three Business Simulation Part Four Fun TimeUnit Two E-business Part One Lead-in and Warming-up Part Two Texts  Text A: Online Shopping Is Growing Rapidly in China  Text B: Mobile Deals Set to Lure Shoppers Stuck in Line Part Three Business Simulation Part Four Fun TimeUnit Three Chain Business

Unit One Business in China Part One Lead-in and Warming-up Part Two Texts  Text A: China's Business Culture--Golden Hints for Doing Business in China  Text B: Importing from China--Managing Your Risks Part Three Business Simulation Part Four Fun TimeUnit Two E-business Part One Lead-in and Warming-up Part Two Texts  Text A: Online Shopping Is Growing Rapidly in China  Text B: Mobile Deals Set to Lure Shoppers Stuck in Line Part Three Business Simulation Part Four Fun TimeUnit Three Chain Business Part One Lead-in and Warming-up Part Two Texts  Text A: Chain Operation  Text B: KFC in China Part Three Business Simulation Part Four Fun TimeUnit Four Modern Logistics Part One Lead-in and Warming-up Part Two Texts  Text A: New Trends in Modern Logistics  Text B: What Is Logistics Management Part Three Business Simulation Part Four Fun TimeUnit Five Modern Service Industry Part One Lead-in and Warming-up Part Two Texts  Text A: Service Industry  Text B: How to Be Successful in the Service Industry Part Three Business Simulation Part Four Fun TimeUnit Six International Trade Part One Lead-in and Warming-up Part Two Texts  Text A: Current China Trade  Text B: International Trade Negotiation Tips Part Three Business Simulation Part Four Fun TimeUnit Seven Regional Economies and Economic  Globalization Part One Lead-in and Warming-up Part Two Texts  Text A: Regional Economies and Economic Globalization  Text B: International Trade Principles Part Three Business Simulation Part Four Fun TimeUnit Eight Business and Government Part One Lead-in and Warming-up Part Two Texts  Text A: The Role of Government  Text B: Fed's Dudley Calls for Government Action to Revive Housing Part Three Business Simulation Part Four Fun TimeUnit Nine Business and Environmental Protection Part One Lead-in and Warming-up Part Two Texts  Text A: Business and Environment  Text B: The Role of a Business in Society Part Three Business Simulation Part Four Fun TimeUnit Ten Business and Legal Affair Part One Lead-in and Warming-up Part Two Texts  Text A: Some Articles of Business Law  Text B : Some Articles of Association for Limited Liability Company Part Three Business Simulation Part Four Fun Time参考答案参考文献
