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作 者: 福田敏男
出版社: 科学出版社
标 签: 计算机/网络 人工智能


ISBN: 9787030414342 出版时间: 2014-09-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  Reprint from English language edition:Micro-Nanorobotic Manipulation Systems and Their Applicationsby Toshio Fukuda, Fumihito Arai and Masahiro NakajimaCopyright ? Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013Springer Berlin Heidelberg is a part of Springer Science+Business Media.All Rights Reserved




1 Introduction ofMicro-Nanorobotic Manipulation Systems 1
1.1 Background ofMicro-Nanorobotic Manipulation Systems 2
1.1.2 What Is Micro to Nanotechnology? 4
1.1.3 What Is Micro-Nanorobotic Manipulation Systems? 4
1.2 Strategies and Related Works ofMicro-Nanorobotic Manipulation
1.2.3 Applicable Fields of Micro-Nanorobotic Manipulation
1.2.4 Related Works ofMicromanipulations 14
1.2.5 Related Works ofNanomanipulations 18
1.3 Application Fields of Micro-Nanorobotic Manipulation Systems 23
1.3.3 For System Cell Engineering 28
2 Physicsin Micro-Nano Scale 45
2.1 Scaling Effects in Micro-Nano Scale 45
2.2 Mechanics in Micro-Nano Scale 46
2.2.2 Elastic Properties in Micro-Nanometer Scale 47
2.3 Electronics in Micro-Nano Scale 47
2.3.1 Electrostatic Force 47
2.3.4 Field Emission Mechanism 49
2.3.5 0pticalDielectrophoresis 50 2.5 Surface Interaction in Micro-Nano Scale 53
2.5.1 Analysis oflntermolecular and Surface Forces 54
2.5.2 Picking Up by Applying Dielectrophoresis under Surface
2.5.3 Adhesion Force of Micro-Nano Fibers 56
2.6 Laser Trapping Mechanism 58
3 Related Technologies on Micro-Nanorobotic Manipulation Systems 61
3.1 Materials and Science in Micro-Nano Scale 61
3.1.4 HydrophilicfHydrophobicMaterial 69
3.2 Microscopes in Micro-Nano Scale 73
3.2.1 0ptical Microscopes 73
3.2.2 Scanning Probe Microscopes 77
3.2.3 Electron Microscope 78
3.3 Fabrication Techniques in Micro-Nano Scale 83
3.3.2 Electron-Beam-Induced Fabrication System 85
3.3.5 Self-AssemblyTechniques 90
3.4 Sensing and Actuation in Micro-Nano Scale 90
3.4.1 Sensing in Micro-Nano Scale 90
3.5 Control Techniques in Micro-Nano Scale 94
3.5.1 Master-Slave Control System for Micro-Nano
3.5.2 Control of Master-Slave Control System for Laser
3.6 Assembly Techniques in Micro-Nano Scale 98
3.6.1 2D Assembly Technique in Micro-Nano Scale 98
3.6.2 3D Assembly Technique in Micro-Nano Scale 99
4 Micromanipulation System under Optical Microscope 107
4.1 Biomicromanipulation Methods for On-Chip Cell Experiments 107
4.2 Multiple Trapping by Optical Tweezers 113 4.2.1 Time Shared Scanning (TSS) Laser Trapping System 113
4.2.2 Computer Generated Hologram (CGH) method 117
4.3 Configurations ofMicro-Fluidics Chips 120
4.4 Non-contact Manipulation with Micro-tool 122
4.4.1 Roles of Micro-tool for On-Chip Cell Experiment System 123
4.4.2 0n-Chip Cell Experiment System with Non-contact
Manipulation of Micro-tool 125
4.4.3 Reversible Injection Method of Microtool by Dielectrophoretic
4.5 Micro-tools for Lasermicromanipulations 129
5 Rotational Speed Control of Single Bacterial Flagellar Motor 137
5.1 Background of Rotational Speed Control of Single Bacterial Flagellar
5.1.1 Conventional Works 137
5.1.2 Principal ofFlagellar Motor 137
5.1.3 Research Goal ofMicro-Nanorobots Using Flagellar
5.1.4 Driving Force Generated by Flagellum 139
5.2 Experimental Set-Up for Rotational Speed Control of Single
Bacterial Flagellar Motor 140
5.2.1 Switching Discharge between Micro-Nano Dual Pipettes 141
5.2.2 Simultaneous Discharge from Micro-Nano Dual Pipettes 144
5.2.3 Upgrade ofMicro-Nano Dual Pipettes System 144
5.2.4 Concept of Simultaneous Discharge 145
5.2.5 Automation ofVoltage Control and Synchronization
5.2.7 Rotational Speed Control of Bacterial Flagellar Motor 147
5.3 Rotational Speed Measurement of Flagellar Motor 148
5.3.2 Experimental Set-Up for Rotational Speed Measurement
5.3.3 Experimental Results of Rotational Speed Measurement
5.3.4 Discussions of Rotational Speed Measurement of Flagellar
5.4 Steady-State Control of Rotational Speed of Flagellar Motor 155
5.4.1 Experimental Set-up for Steady-State Control of Rotational
5.4.2 Experimental Results of Steady-State Control of Rotational
5.4.3 Estimation of Torque Generated by Flagellar Motor 158 6 Nanomanipulation System under Electron Microscope 163
6.1 Configuration ofNanomanipulation System 163
6.2 Nanorobotic Manipulation System Inside SEM 163
6.2.1 Design of Nanorobotic Manipulation System Inside SEM 163
6.2.2 Link Coordination of Nanorobotic Manipulation System Inside
6.2.3 Configuration of Control System of Nanorobotic Manipulation
System Inside SEM 171
6.3 Hybrid Nanorobotic Manipulation System Inside SEM/TEM 172
6.4 Nanorobotic Manipulation System Inside E-SEM 181
6.4.1 Design ofNanorobotic Manipulation Systemlnside
6.4.2 Link Coordination of Nanorobotic Manipulation System Inside
6.5 HybridMicroscope 185
6.6 Nano-tool Exchanger System under Hybrid Microscope 188
6.7 Automation of Nanorobotic Manipulation System Inside E-SEM 190
7 Measurement/Manipulation/Assembly of Carbon Nanotubes under
7.1 Application Fields ofNanomanipulation System under
7.2 Mechanical Evaluation of Carbon Nanotubes 197
7.3 Deposition Using Carbon Nanotube Emitters 201
7.4 3D Assembly of Carbon Nanotube 220
7.5 Nano-actuator Using Telescoping Carbon Nanotube 230
8 BiOlOgical CeIIManipulation/Measurement/Analysis under
E-SEM 243
8.1 Application Fields of Nano-manipulation System under E-SEM 243
8.2 Single Cell Nano-surgery System Using Nano-tools 243
8.3 0bservation ofBiological Cells by E-SEM 243
8.3.1 Preparing the W303 Wild-Type Yeast Cells for E-SEM
8.3.2 Qualitative Evaluation of Cell Survivability of W303
Cells under E-SEM Observation 245
8.4 Mechanical Property Characterization of Single Cell Using
8.4.1 Nanoindentation Process 246
8.4.2 Force Measurement Using AFM Cantilever 248
8.4.3 Determination ofthe Cantilever Deflection via Angular 8.4.4 Calibration of the
