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定 价:¥29.80

作 者: 雷隽博 主编
出版社: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语 大学英语专项训练 外语


ISBN: 9787560347547 出版时间: 2014-09-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  《应用型本科院校"十二五"规划教材·外语类:大学英语口语教程》是一本以话题和功能为纲编写的l21语教材。《应用型本科院校"十二五"规划教材·外语类:大学英语口语教程》共有l4个单元,每单元包括5部分,即Learn to Speak,Love to Speak,Topic to Discuss,Cultural Background,Enjoy Yourself。选材既具有实用性,又具有趣味性。练习的设计都围绕同一主题,且形式多样,重视文化背景知识介绍,力图把学生置身于英语文化国家当中,引导学生进行积极主动的口语练习,注意不同语境下的语言交际过程,全面培养学生的口语表达能力。




Unit 1 Greeting and Introduction
 Part I Learn to Speak
 Part II Love to Speak
 Part IIl Topic to Discuss
 Part IV Cultural Background
 Part V Enjoy Yourself
Unit 2 Talking about Weather
 Part I Learn to Speak
 Part II Love to Speak
 Part III Topic to Discuss
 Part IV Cultural Background
 Part V Enjoy Yourself
Unit 3 Food and Drinks
 Part I Learn to Speak
 Part II Love to Speak
 Part III Topic to Discuss
 Part 1V Cultural Background
 Part V Enjoy Yourself
Unit 4 Music
 Part I Learn to Speak
 Part II Love to Speak
 Part III Topic to Discuss
 Part IV Cultural Background
 Part V Enjoy Yourself
Unit 5 Movie
 Part 1 Learn to Speak
 Part II Love to Speak
 Part Ill Topic to Discuss
 Part IV Cultural Background
 Part V Enjoy Yourself
Unit 6 Sport
 Part I Learn to Speak
 Part II Love to Speak
 Part III Topic Io Discuss
 Part 1V Cultural Buckground
 Part V Enjoy Yourself
Unit 7 Love Reading
 Part I Learn Io Speak
 Part II Love to Speak
 Part III Topic to Discuss
 Part IV Cultural Background
 Part V Enjoy Yourself
Unit 8 Traveling
 Part I Learn to Speak
 Part II Love to Speak
 Part III Topic to Discuss
 Part IV Cultural Background
 Part V Enjoy Yourself
Unit 9 Transportation
 Part I Learn to Speak
 Part II Love to Speak
 Part III Topic to Discuss
 Part IV Cultural Background
 Part V Enjoy Yourself
Unit 10 Festivals and Holidays
 Part f Learn to Speak
 Part I1 Love to Speak
 Part Ill Topic to Discuss
 Part IV Caltural Background
 Part V Enjoy Yourself
Unit 11 Finance
 Part i Learn to Speak
 Part 1I Love to Speak
 Part III Topic to Discuss
 Part IV Cultural Background
 Part V Enjoy Yourself
Unit 12 Life on Campus
 Part I Learn to Speak
 Part II Love to Speak
 Part III Topic to Discuss
 Part IV Cultural Background
 Part V Enjoy Yourself
Unit 13 Love
 Part I Learn to Speak
 Part II Love to Speak
 Part III Topic to Discuss
 Part IV Cultural Background
 Part V Enjoy Yourself
Unit 14 Friendship
 Part I Learn to Speak
 Part II Love to Speak
 Part III Topic to Discuss
 Part IV Cultural Background
 Part V Enjoy Yourself
 Unit 1 Greeting and Introduction
 Unit 2 Talking about Weather
 Unit 3 Food and Drinks
 Unit 4 Music
 Unit 5 Movie
 Unit 6 Sport
 Unit 7 Love Reading
 Unit 8 Traveling
 Unit 9 Transportation
 Unit 10 Festivals and Holidays
 Unit 11 Finance
 Unit 12 Life on Campus
 Unit 13 Love
 Unit 14 Friendship
