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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语商务英语石油高职英语应用能力训练教程



定 价:¥40.00

作 者: 吴秀芝 编
出版社: 石油工业出版社
丛编项: 石油高职高专教材
标 签: 高职高专英语 外语学习


ISBN: 9787518300105 出版时间: 2014-01-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 279 字数:  






Module 1 Greetings and Introductions
Task 1 To Introduce Yourself
Task 2 To Introduce Others
Task 3 To Introduce a Company
Module 2 Oil
Task 1 To Learn What Oil Is and How Oil Is Used
Task 2 To Learn How Oil Is Formed
Task 3 To Learn How Oil Is Found
Task 4 To Learn How Oil Is Produced
Task 5 To Learn How Oil Is Transported
Task 6 To Learn How Oil Is Refined
Task 7 To Learn How Oil Is Marketed
Module 3 Gas
Task 1 To Learn About Natural Gas and Its Uses
Task 2 To Learn Where Na~ral Gas Is Found
Task 3 To Learn How Natural Gas Is Marketed
Task 4 To Learn How Natural Gas Is Distributed
Module 4 LNG
Task 1 To Learn What LNG Is
Task 2 To Learn How and Where LNG Is Produced
Task 3 To Learn How LNG Is Shipped, Stored, Regasified and Delivered
Task 4 To Learn How the LNG Industry Has Evolved
Task 5 To Learn About the Economic Issues in Using LNG
Task 6 To Learn About the Safety and Environment Issues
Task 7 To Learn About Challenges and Opportunitiesin the LNG Industry
Module 5 Alternative Energy
Task 1 To Learn about Alternative Energy and Its Uses
Task 2 To Learn How Generating Electricity From Nuclear Energy Affects the Environment
Task 3 To Learn How to Use Energy More Efficiently
Module 6 Specifications
Task 1 To Translate the Electrical Equipment
Task 2 To Translate the Hand Tools and Equipment
Task 3 To Translate the Safety Equipment
Task 4 To Translate the Personal Protective Equipment
Task 5 To Translate the General Supplies
Task 6 To Translate the Transportation
Module 7 Contracts
Task 1 To Translate the Contract
Task 2 To Translate the Contractor Questionnaire
Task 3 To Translate the Contractor''''s Minimum Personnel Requirement
Task 4 To Fill in the Contractor''''s Personnel Resume Form
Task 5 To Translate the Acidizing Program
Task 6 To Translate the Action Plan
Module 8 Business Correspondence
Task 1 To Learn the Format for English Business Letters
Task 2 To Learn to Read and Write Thank-You Letters in English
Task 3 To Leam to Read and Write Letters of Apology in English
Task 4 To Learn to Read and Write Letters of Complaint in English
Task 5 To Read and Write Letters of Requsting and Sending Information in English
Task 6 To Learn to Read and Write Business Emails in English
Module 9 Business Meals
Task 1 To Make an Invitation
Task 2 To offer Hospitality
Task 3 To Say Goodbye
