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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语商务英语港口理货英语



定 价:¥34.00

作 者: 赵鲁克 主编
出版社: 人民交通出版社
标 签: 商业英语 外语 行业英语


ISBN: 9787114120503 出版时间: 2015-03-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  赵鲁克主编的《港口理货英语(交通行业高职高 专规划教材)》从港口与船舶、货物、货物积载、货 物装卸,理货业务,集装箱理货业务等六个大项目着 手,用英文较系统地介绍了港口理货业务以及相关知 识。每一项目下均辅有相关情景对话,以提高读者专 业交流能力。本书可作为高职院校专业教材,也可供港口装卸 及理货人员及相关专业人员参考使用。




Project 1 Port and Ship
 Program 1  Port
 Program 2 Ship
 Program 3 General Structure of Cargo Vessel
 Program4 Ship's Cargo-handling Eguipment
 Program 5 Shipboard Organization
Project 2 Cargo
 Program 1 Types of Cargo
 Program 2 Transport Packing of Cargo
 Program 3 Cargo Marks
Project 3 Stowage of Cargo
 Program 1 Generality of Stowage of Cargo
 Program 2 Stowage Factor
 Program 3 Stowage Plan
 Program 4 Segregation
 Program 5 Separation
 Program 6 Dunnage
Project 4 Cargo Handling
 Program 1 Loading and Unloading
 Program 2 Handling of General Cargo
 Program 3 Handling of Dry Bulk Cargo
 Program 4 Handling of Dangerous Cargo
Project 5 Cargo-tallying Service
 Program 1 Ocean Shipping Tally
 Program 2 Papers of Tally
 Program 3 Tallying Cargo
 Program 4 Mark-Assorting
 Program 5 Mixed-up of Cargo
 Program 6 Counting
 Program 7 Short-landed and Over-landed Cargo
 Program 8 Dealing with the Over-landed and Short-landed Cargo
 Program 9 Checking the Damage
 Program 10 Sweepings
Project 6 Container-tallying Service
 Program 1  Containerization
 Program 2 Laying-out of Goods Inside Containers
 Program 3 Interchange of Container Load Goods
 Program 4 Container-handling Technology
 Program 5 Documents of Container Load Goods
 Program 6 Basis for Tallying Containers
 Program 7 Container Damage-checking Technology
 Program 8 Container Tallying Procedure and Methods
Appendix 1 Sentences for Cargo Tallying
Appendix 2 Sentences for Stevedoring
Appendix 3 Tally Papers and Ocean Shipping Documentations
Appendix 4 Main Parts of a Ship
