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定 价:¥49.00

作 者: 陈卫东,王冰欣 著
出版社: 北京语言大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787561940754 出版时间: 2014-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 301 字数:  


  《黑眼睛·IELTS考试技能训练教程:阅读(第5版)》特色:内容经典 历经5次改版,畅销17年,业内有口皆碑,成就无数高分考生。编排科学 凝聚作者多年的雅思写作培训经验,恰到好处地把握考试的重点和考生的堆点。题量丰富 大量语言训练与写作训练,全向夯实语言基础,自信应对所有题型。举一反三 一个练习提供多篇范文,激发写作思维,扩展写作思路。循序渐进 讲解由浅入深,练习由易到难,不断积累写作素材,高分水到渠成。


  陈卫东,教育部北京语言大学出国留学人员培训部主任。1982年毕业于北京语言大学,留校任教至今。1985-1987年在英国爱丁堡大学Moray House教育学院学习,获硕士学位。1991-1992年在英国Manchester大学教育系进修。自1987年留学回国后,20多年来一直负责北京语言大学的雅思培训,在雅思考试的阅读题型研究、试题及教材编写方面做了大量开拓性工作,并担任雅思阅读和写作培训的主讲教师,除《IELT5考试技能训练教程阅读》外,还著有《IELTS应试指南》《IELTS雅思直快写作》等。王冰欣,教育部北京语言大学出国留学人员培训部副主任,副教授。毕业于北京外国语大学,获英美文学硕士学位。1997年9月-1998年9月在爱丁堡大学Moray House教育学院进修,2002年7月-9月和2005年10月分别在联合鼠教科文组织担任笔译。著有多部雅思应试类教材及全国英语等级考试第五级(PET55)应试教材。


Unit One Matching the Headings
Exercise 1 A Giant Step for Artificial Enzymes
Exercise 2 More Than Sympathy
Exercise 3 Energy from Biological Sources
Exercise 4 Sleeping Secrets
Exercise 5 It Never Rains
Exercise 6 Farmers Harvest the Wind
Exercise 7 Germs and Sickness in a Shrinking World
Exercise 8 On the Wing
Unit Two Cloze
Exercise 1 Standards of Measurement
Exercise 2 The Function of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere
Exercise 3 The Properties of Systems in the Human Body
Exercise 4 Analysis and Synthesis
Exercise 5 The Properties of Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
Exercise 6 The Structure of the Earth
Exercise 7 The Carbon Cycle
Exercise 8 Vitamins
Exercise 9 Thermostats
Exercise 10 Pressure
Exercise 11 Space and Distance
Exercise 12 The Theory of Emotion
Exercise 13 Physical Characteristics
Exercise 14 Attitude Functions
Exercise 15 Functions of Leadership
Unit Three Multiple Choice
Exercise 1 Are You a Machine of Many Parts?
Exercise 2 Making Allowances for Your Kids'''' Dollar Values
Exercise 3 The Lost City of De Mille Emerges from the Desert Sands of California
Exercise 4 Separate, but EQ
Unit Four Summarizing
Exercise 1 Adapting to Road Conditions
Exercise 2 Biogas: a Solution to Many Problems
Exercise 3 A 19th Century Killer Disease: Tuberculosis
Exercise 4 For Each Astronaut, a "Buddy"
Exercise 5 Management in Cyberspace
Exercise 6 Our Dying Seas
Exercise 7 Ethics and Archaeology
Exercise 1 The World of the Flat-footed Fly
Exercise 2 Energy, Fission and Fusion
Exercise 3 Will Britain Turn Its Back on Wave Power?
Exercise 4 Talk to Kids about Drugs? Parents Just Don''''t Do It
Exercise 5 A New Learning Tool
Exercise 6 111 Winds
Exercise 7 Stuffed
Exercise 8 Brain Drain
Exercise 9 Morphing Winglets Make for Greener Aircraft
Exercise 10 Transporter of Delight
Unit Six Scanning for Answers
Exercise 1Batteries Now Included
Exercise 2 A Light Bulb that Lasts
Unit Seven Integrated Exercises
Unit Eight Practice Tests
