1 出境
话题1 申请签证Applying for Visa 2
话题2 预订机票
Booking Airline Reservations 6
话题3 办理登机手续Checking In 10
话题4 接受安全检查Security Check 14
话题5 登机Boarding 18
话题6 在飞机上On Plane 21
话题7 提取行李Getting Luggage 25
2 出国留学
话题1 申请学校
Applying the Universities 29
话题2 申请奖学金
Applying Scholarship 33
话题3 见导师Seeing Tutor 36
话题4 新生注册Student Registration 39
话题5 参观校园Visiting the Campus 42
话题6 上课下课
Having/Dismissing Classes 46
话题7 在图书馆In the Library 50
话题8 在宿舍In the Dorm 54
话题9 校园兼职Part-time Job 58
话题10 参加社团活动Joining in Clubs 62
话题11 考试Examing 66
话题12 论文与答辩
(Thesis) Oral Defense 70
话题13 毕业典礼Commencement 74
3 出国居住
话题1 找公寓Looking for Apartment 79
话题2 租公寓Renting an Apartment 83
话题3 问候与介绍
Greeting and Introducing 86
话题4 交友Making Friends 89
话题5 做客Paying a Visit 93
话题6 宠物Pets 96
话题7 运动健身Doing Exercises 100
话题8 读书看报
Reading Books and Newspapers 103
话题9 听音乐Listening to the Music 107
话题10 花销Expense 110
话题11 储蓄Saving Money 113
话题12 投资Investing 116
话题13 保险Insurance 120
4 出国旅游
话题1 旅行准备Preparing for Traveling 125
话题2 预订旅馆Booking Rooms 129
话题3 入住旅馆Checking In 133
话题4 旅馆服务Hotel Service 136
话题5 搬运行李与洗衣服务
Luggage and Laundry Service 139
话题6 在宾馆服务台At the Hotel Desk 142
话题7 投诉抱怨Complaining 145
话题8 退房结账Checking Out 149
话题9 咨询旅游景点
Consulting about Holiday Spot 152
话题10 自然风光Natural Splendor 156
话题11 民风民俗Folkways 159
话题12 跟团旅游
Going on a Package Tour 163
话题13 旅游交通工具
Means of Transportation 167
话题14 旅游摄影Taking Pictures 171
话题15 迷途问路Asking Ways 174
5 出国工作
话题1 进行面试Interview 178
话题2 录用Being Hired 184
话题3 报到上班Begining to Work 190
话题4 自我介绍Self Introduction 194
话题5 认识同事 200
Getting to Know the Coworkers 200
话题6 现代化办公
Modern Office Working 204
话题7 请假Asking for Leave 209
话题8 兼职Part-time Job 212
话题9 聚会Gathering 216
话题10 邀请同事Inviting Colleagues 220
6 国外生活
话题1 银行兑换Using a Bank 224
话题2 预订餐位Make a Reservation 228
话题3 餐前准备Meal Preparation 231
话题4 用餐中At Dinner 235
话题5 结账打包Check-out and Package 239
话题6 购物咨询Shopping Consulting 242
话题7 试用与试穿Trial and Try it On 248
话题8 讨价还价Bargaining 253
话题9 购买付款Purchase and Payment 256
话题10 预订Reservation 260
话题11 包装送货
Wrapping and Delivering 263
话题12 售后服务Aftersales Service 267
话题13 看电视电影
Watching TV and Movies 271
话题14 酒吧Bar 275
话题15 舞厅Ballroom 279
话题16 自驾车Self-driving Tours 283
话题17 坐公交By Bus 287
话题18 乘出租车Taking a Taxi 290
话题19 乘地铁Taking the Subway 293
话题20 生日Birthday 296
话题21 结婚纪念日Wedding Anniversary 299
话题22 圣诞节Christmas Day 302
话题23 新年New Year 306
话题24 感恩节Thanksgiving Day 310
话题25 情人节Valentine's Day 313
话题26 健身运动Body-building 317
话题27 缤纷爱好Profusion Hobby 320
话题28 存款Depositing 325
话题29 取款Withdrawing Money 329
话题30 汇款与贷款Remittance & credit 333
话题31 挂失Reporting the Loss 337
话题32 邮寄包裹 341
Sending the Parcel by Mail 341
话题33 挂号与预约 345
Registering and Making an Appointment 345
话题34 就诊Doctors' Office Visiting 349
话题35 住院Hospitalizing 353
话题36 体检Physical Examination 357
话题37 理发Haircut 361
话题38 皮肤护理Skin Care 365
7 回国
话题1 预订机票Booking a Ticket 369
话题2 机场送行Airport Departure 372
话题3 行李托运Checking Luggage 375
话题4 出关检查Through Check 378