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当前位置: 首页出版图书经济管理经济世界经济当代世界经济(英文版·第二版)



定 价:¥39.00

作 者: 白远 著
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
丛编项: 新编21世纪国际经济与贸易系列教材
标 签: 教材 经济管理类 研究生/本科/专科教材


ISBN: 9787300225258 出版时间: 2016-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 308 字数:  




  白远,北京第二外国语学院教授,北京市教学名师,曾任北京第二外国语学院国际经济与贸易学院副院长、北京工商大学嘉华学院副院长。为美国西北大学、美国北佛罗里达大学以及科索沃大学客座教授;现任中国国际经济合作学会常务理事暨学术委员会委员,中国管理现代化研究会国际商务谈判专业委员会副主任。曾任世界银行供水项目国家项目办特聘专家。主要研究领域是中国企业对外直接投资和文化创意产业与产品贸易。出版专著与研究报告11部,在《财贸经济》、《世界经济》、《国际贸易问题》、《国际经济合作》、《国际贸易》、《国际商务》、Economics World(美国)、Transnational Corporation Review(加拿大)等核心期刊和国外期刊上发表论文50余篇,出版国家“十一五”、“十二五”规划教材和北京市精品教材等13部。


Introduction Case Establishing a GlobalOutlook—Susan’s Story (1)
Chapter One Contemporary World Economy and Its Development (3)
1.1 Fundamental Elements of the Contemporary World Economy (4)
1.2 HistoricalReviewoftheWorldEconomy (11)
Chapter Summary (16)
Questions and Problems (17)
Online Study (17)
Case Study: The Nationalities of the Top 25 Multinational Corporations and
Industrial Sectors (18)
Chapter Two Catalysts of World Economic Development (21)
2.1 International Division of Labor (21)
2.2 Technology Innovations and Diffusion (26)
2.3 Function of the World Market (30)
2.4 Measurement of Economic Development (35)
Chapter Summary (42)
Questions and Problems (43)
Online Study (44)
Case Study: Yao Ming— “The Next Big Thing” for International Services (44)
Chapter Three Globalization Era (49)
3.1 Definition and Measurements (50)
3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization (56)
3.3 Effects of Globalizationon Corporation’s Development (61)
3.4 Drivers of Corporate Internationalization and Globalization (66)
Chapter Summary (71)
Questions and Problems (72)
Online Study (73)
Case Study: The Battle in Seattle and the Anti-Globalization Movement (73)
Chapter Four Regional Economic Integration (76)
4.1 Economic Integration and Economic Blocs (76)
4.2 Basic Theory of Economic Integration (81)
4.3 European Integration (85)
4.4 North American Economic Integration (97)
4.5 Other Economic Alliances (100)
Chapter Summary (106)
Questions and Problems (108)
Online Study (108)
Case Study: Is European Unionan Optimal Currency Area? (108)
Chapter Five Freedom of Trade—Forerunner of Economic Globalization (111)
5.1 Trade Expansion and Openness of Trading Countries (111)
5.2 GATT/WTO Efforts in Promoting Freedom of the World Trade (117)
5.3 Free Trade vs. Protectionism Debate (122)
Chapter Summary (129)
Questions and Problems (130)
Online Study (130)
Case Study: Free Trade for Steel? The Debate Continues (130)
Chapter Six Financial Globalization (133)
6.1 Definition, Driving Forces and Measurement (134)
6.2 The International Capital Flows (135)
6.3 Benefits of Financial Globalization (140)
6.4 Risks of Financial Globalization (143)
6.5 Multilateral Structure and Policymaking (149)
Chapter Summary (159)
Questions and Problems (161)
Online Study (161)
Case Study: Is Capital-Market Liberalization the Right Policy? (161)
Chapter Seven Challenges to the Sustainable Development of the World Economy (164)
7.1 Unbalanced Economic Development (164)
7.2 World Population Challenge (170)
7.3 Environmental Challenges and Economic Development (180)
7.4 Pandemic Diseases (187)
Chapter Summary (190)
Questions and Problems (191)
Online Study (192)
Case Study: Global Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol (192)
Chapter Eight International Collaboration and Coordination (195)
8.1 Correcting International Externalities via Multilateral Interventions (196)
8.2 Protecting the Global Environment Through Multinational Efforts (199)
8.3 International Policy Coordination (204)
Chapter Summary (212)
Questions and Problems (212)
Online Study (213)
Case Study: A French Judge Combats an International Externality (213)
Chapter Nine Countries in the Globalized World Economy (216)
9.1 The Division of Country Groups (217)
9.2 Developed Countries and Their Economic Performance (220)
9.3 Developing Countries’s Economic Development Strategies in the
Globalization Era (230)
9.4 Economies in Transition (238)
Chapter Summary (252)
Questions and Problems (253)
Online Study (260)
Case Study: Lessons from Economic Transition in Russia and China (261)
Chapter Ten China’s Economic Reform and Its Integration into the World Economy (268)
10.1 Development Strategy Before China’s Economic Reform (269)
10.2 China’s Economic Reform and Integration into the World Economy (273)
10.3 China’s Economic Achievement and Its Development Strategy (284)
Chapter Summary (292)
Questions and Problems (293)
Online Study (293)
Case Study: An Example of Application of Comparative Advantage Strategy
—Taiwan’s Economic Development (293)
