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金砖国家 机制与澳门(英文版)

金砖国家 机制与澳门(英文版)

定 价:¥98.00

作 者: Ya-Nan Song,David Ritchie 编
出版社: 社会科学文献出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787509787137 出版时间: 2016-03-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 355 字数:  


  进入二十一世纪以来,伴随金砖国家在国际政治经济舞台上的迅速崛起,如何促进金砖国家加快合作的制度化以进一步提升在国际社会中的作用,成为国际关系研究急需研究解决的重要议题。《金砖国家 机制与澳门(英文版)》是“金砖国家组织机制化进程与澳门平台角色研究”国际研讨会的英文论文集,内容涉及“金砖国家机制化进程研究”、“金砖国家机制化与合作”、“国家视角下的金砖国家机制化合作”、“澳门在金砖国家机制化中发挥的角色与作用”几个方面。


暂缺《金砖国家 机制与澳门(英文版)》作者简介


Panel Ⅰ BRICS Institutionalization & New International Regime
Changing Contours of World Politics: Emerging New Groupings in International System 【Andrey Volodin】
The Institutionalization of the BRICS: Brazilian Perspectives【Gilmar Masiero】
Towards a Better Future of the BRICS【Jiang Shixue】
Towards an Institutional Structure for BRICS?【David Ritchie】
Panel Ⅱ BRICS Institutionalization & Cooperation
Innovation Systems and Development within the BRICS Countries: A Comparative Analysis, Challenges and Prospects for Intra-Bloc Cooperation【Lytton L.Guimaraes, Margit Bergener L.Guimaraes】
Comparative Study on the Determinants of FDI in BRICS【Song Yanan, Shen Wenjie】
Governance Innovation: Cooperation of BRICS and Role of Macau【Lin Yueqin】
Cultural Policies Linking Macau (China), India, and Brazil【Kenneth David Jackson】
Panel Ⅲ BRICS Institutionalization & Country Perspective
Russia and BRICS after the Ukrainian Crisis【Alexander Lukin】
The Role of South Africa in the BRICS Institutionalization Process【Amos Saurombe】
BRICS II and Its Institutionalisation: Perspectives from India【Abdul Nafey】
Panel Ⅳ BRICS Institutionalization & Macau
Macau: The Missing Link of a BRICS-Politik【Carmen Amado Mendes, José Guimar.es】
The Text Mining Analysis of Macau’s Participation in International Organizations【Wu Shianghau, Shi Haoyu】
What Role for a BRICS Development Bank?【Paul B. Spooner】
Lusophone Gastrodiplomacy and Tourism: Macau and the BRICS【Carla Figueira, Michael Hitchcock】
Appendix A Speech at “BRICS II-2015: Institutionalization & Macau”【Mandla S. Makhanya】
