List of Abbreviations
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Objectives of the study
1.3 Significance of the study
1.3.1 Theoretical significance
1.3.2 Methodological significance
1.3.3 Pedagogical significance
1.4 Outline of the dissertation
Chapter Two Literature Review of PBL
2.1 Concepts of PBL
2.2 Theoretical foundations for PBL
2.3 Essentials of PBL
2.4 Key features of PBL
2.5 Benefits and challenges of PBL
2.5.1 Benefits of PBL
2.5.2 Challenges of PBL
2.6 Summary
Chapter Three Literature Review of Motivation
3.1 Motivation defined
3.1.1 Definitions of motivation in general
3.1.2 Definitions of L2/FL learning motivation
3.1.3 Classifications of motivation
3.2 Learning motivation
3.2.1 Motivation and L2/FL learning
3.2.2 Motivation and technology-enhanced language learning
3.3 Typical models of motivation
3.3.1 Gardner's socio-educationalmodels
3.3.2 Schumann's acculturation model
3.3.3 Williams and Burden's social constructivist model
3.3.4 Dtrnyei's models of FL/L2 learning motivation
3.4 Constructs of motivation
3.4.1 Self-efficacy
3.4.2 Anxiety
3.4.3 Self-confidence
3.4.4 Attribution
3.4.5 Expectancy-value
3.4.6 Goals
3.4.7 Self-determination
Chapter Four Research Design
4.1 Working definitions of PBL and motivation
4.2 Theoretical foundations
4.2.1 Thecognitive perspective
4.2.2 The social constructivist perspective
4.3 The conceptual networked PBL model of motivation
4.4 Research questions
4.5 Designing principles, procedure, participants and instruments
4.5.1 Designing principles
4.5.2 Procedure
4.5.3 Participants
4.5.4 Instruments
4.5.5 Data collection & analysis
Chapter Five. Results and DiscUssions.
5.1 Reliability. and validity of the questionnaire
5.1.1 Reliability
5.1.2 Validity
5.2 Features of the networked PBL model that affect learning motivation
5.2.1 General analysis of the motivational factors
5.2.2 Gender-based analysis of the motivational factors
5.2.3 Major-based analysis of the motivational factors
5.3 Possible learning achievements the networked PBL model leads to
5.3.1 Discussions on the questionnaire
5.3.2 Discussions on the students' self-reports
5.4 Smnmary
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Major findings
6.1.1 Motivational factors in the networked PBL model
6.1.2 Possible learning achievements the networked PBL model leads to 180
6.1.3 The modified networked PBL model of motivation
6.2 Implications of the study
6.2.1 Theoretical implications
6.2.2 Methodological implications
6.2.3 Pedagogical implications
6.3 Limitations of the study
6.3.1 Sample size
6.3.2 Time constraints
6.3.3 Research experience
6.4 Suggestions for future research
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV