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当前位置: 首页出版图书经济管理经济贸易经济中国-阿拉伯国家博览会中阿经贸关系发展进程2014年度报告(英文版)



定 价:¥78.00

作 者: 宁夏人民出版社 编
出版社: 宁夏人民出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787227060932 出版时间: 2015-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 134 字数:  






Chapter 1 The situation in the Middle East Development Review
1.1 Chaos of the Middle East
1.2 From ISIL to the Caliphate
1.3 Syria's future after the chemical weapons are destroyed
1.4 The trend of the transforming Arabian countries
1.5 Staggering Middle East Peace Process
Chapter 2 China-Arab Bilateral Trade Dependence
2.1 The general situation of China-Arab trade development in 2013
2.2 Inter-region and Intra-region trade flows of Selected Arab countries
2.3 China's Trade Dependency Index with Selected Arab Countries
2.4 Trade Dependency Index (TDI) of Selected Products
Chapter 3 Trade Structure between China and the LAS (GCC) Countries
3.1 Major goods traded between China and the Arab countries
3.2 Trade flows of Sino-LAS major trading goods
3.3 China-Arab countries Intermediate Goods Trade
3.4 The effective rate of protection of China-GCC bilateral trade
Chapter 4 China-Arab Investment Dependence
4.1 Mutual Investment between China and Arab countries and their major areas of cooperation
4.2 FDI Dependency between Arab Countries and China
4.3 Reform on Foreign Investment Management System in China and Arab Countries
Chapter 5 China and Arab Service Trade
5.1 Service and Service Trade in the Arab Countries
5.2 Service Trade Liberalization in Arab Countries and China
5.3 China's engineering contracting business in Arab countries
Chapter 6 China-Arab Trade in Agricultural Products and Food
6.1 The Development and Customs of Bilateral and Trade between China and Arab Countries
6.2 The Main Source Countries and Destination Countries of Agricultural Products Traded Between China and Arab Countries
6.3 China-Arab Food Standards System
6.4 The Certification Process of Halal Food in China
Chapter 7 Developing Financial Markets
7.1 Indirect Investment in Arab Countries
7.2 The development of Islamic finance in the world
7.3 The Progress of the RMB toward an International CmTency
7.4 De jure and De facto Measures of Financial Liberalization for Arab countries and China: 1999-2014
1. Flow of Funds Analysis of China and select Arab countries
2. Current account balances in Arab countries
3. Index of Business Cycle Synchronization
4. Savings and investment correlation coefficient (Feldstein-Horioka hypothesis)
5. China-Arab Stock Market Integration
6. GDP and CPI Correlations between China and Arab Countries
APPENDIX 2 Sino-Arab bilateral trade and economic timeline
