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国际贸易实务(英文版 第二版)

国际贸易实务(英文版 第二版)

定 价:¥32.00

作 者: 谢桂梅 著
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 普通高校"十二五"规划教材·国际经济与贸易系列
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787302403401 出版时间: 2015-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 251 字数:  




暂缺《国际贸易实务(英文版 第二版)》作者简介


Chapter 1 A Brief Introduction to International Trade国际贸易入门 1.1 What is International Trade什么是国际贸易 1.2 Theory of Comparative Advantage比较优势理论 1.3 Forms of International Trade国际贸易的形式 1.3.1 Importing and Exporting进出口贸易 1.3.2 Visible Trade and Invisible Trade有形贸易和无形贸易 1.3.3 Trading Agency贸易公司贸易 1.3.4 Licensing许可(证)贸易 1.3.5 Contract Manufacturing合同加工贸易 1.3.6 Joint Ventures合资公司贸易 1.3.7 Direct Investment直接投资贸易 1.4 The Current Situation of International Trade国际贸易现状 1.4.1 Four Trends四大趋势 1.4.2 Economic and Trade Region经济贸易区 1.5 Modes of International Trade国际贸易的方式 1.5.1 Ordinary Trade普通贸易 1.5.2 Distribution and Agency经销和代理 1.5.3 Consignment寄售 1.5.4 Fairs and Sales展销 1.5.5 Auction拍卖 1.5.6 Tendering招投标 1.5.7 Counter Trade反向贸易 1.5.8 Processing and Assembling Trade对外加工装配贸易 1.5.90verseas Processing and Assembling Trade海外加工装配贸易 1.6 E—commerce电子商务 1.6.1 What is E—commerce何为电子商务 1.6.2 Why E—commerce为什么开展电子商务 1.6.3 Types of E—commerce电子商务的类型 1.6.4 Future of E—commerce电子商务的前景 1.7 How to Study the Course如何学习本课程 Words and Expressions Exercise Chapter 2 Negotiation and Performance of Business Contract商业合同的谈判和履行 2.1 Contents and Forms of Contract合同的内容和形式 2.1.1 Essential Terms必要条款 2.1.2 Additional Terms附加条款 2.1.3 Other Terms其他条款 2.1.4 Additional Considerations其他注意事项 2.1.5 Forms of Contract合同的形式 2.2 Preparations to Contract合同的准备 2.2.1 Employing Competent Negotiator雇用称职的谈判人员 2.2.2 Selecting Target Market选择目标市场 2.2.3 Selecting Prospective Customers选择潜在顾客 2.2.4 Designing Schedules制订经营方案 2.3 Negotiations to Sign a Contract合同的谈判 2.3.1 Inquiry询盘 2.3.2 Offer发盘 2.3.3 Counter—offer还盘 2.3.4 Acceptance接受 2.3.5 Withdrawal and Revocation of Offer and Acceptance发盘和接受的撤回和撤销 2.3.6 Conclusion of a Contract合同的签订 2.4 Performance of a Contract合同的执行 Words and Expressions Exercise Chapter 3 Subject Matter of Contract合同标的 3.1 Name of Commodities品名 3.2 Quality of Commodities品质 3.2.1 Sale by Actual Goods凭实物销售 3.2.2 Sale by Sample凭样品销售 3.2.3 Sale by Description凭说明销售 3.2.4 Quality Latitude and Quality Tolerance品质公差、品质机动幅度 3.3 Quantity of Commodities数量 3.3.1 System of Measurement度量体系 3.3.2 Weight重量 3.3.3 Quantity Allowance数量机动幅度 3.4 Packing of Commodities商品的包装 3.4.1 Packing包装 3.4.2 Shipping Packing运输包装 3.4.3 Sales Packing销售包装 3.4.4 Neutral Packing中性包装 3.4.5 Packing Clause包装条款 Words and Expressions Exercise Chapter 4 International Trade Terms国际贸易术语 4.1 A General Introduction of Trade Terms贸易术语简介 4.1.1 Systems of Trade Terms贸易术语系统 4.1.2 Four Groups in Incoterms 2010《国际贸易术语解释通则》(2010)的四组术语 4.1.3 Classifications of Trade Terms in Incoterms 2010《国际贸易术语解释通则》(2010)贸易术语的分类 4.2 Relationship of Price and Risk Transfer价格和风险转移关系 4.3 Contents of Trade Terms贸易术语的内涵 4.3.1 EXW工厂交货 4.3.2 FCA货交承运人 4.3.3 FAS船边交货 4.3.4 FOB装运港船上交货 4.3.5 CFR成本加运费 4.3.6 CIF成本加保险费、运费 4.3.7 CPT运费付至 4.3.8 CIP运费、保险费付至 4.3.9 DAT,DAP,and DDP运输终端交货、目的地交货、完税后交货 4.4 Principles in Choosing Price Terms如何选择价格术语 Words and Expressions Exercise Chapter 5 International Payment国际支付 5.1 Basic Modes of International Payment国际支付的基本方式 5.1.1 Remittance汇付 5.1.2 Collection托收 5.1.3 Letter of Credit信用证付款 5.1.4 Bank Guarantee银行保函 5.1.5 Payment Choices支付方式的选择 5.2 Instruments of Payment支付工具 5.2.1 Bill of Exchange汇票 5.2.2 Promissory Note本票 5.2.3 Cheque支票 5.3 Letter of Credit(L/C)信用证 5.3.1 Features of Documentary L/C跟单信用证的特点 5.3.2 Parties and Procedures of L/C信用证各方和程序 5.3.3 Contents in L/C信用证的内容 5.3.4 Classifications of L/C信用证的分类 Words and Expressions Exercise …… Chapter 6 International Cargo Transport国际货物运输 Chapter 7 Marine Cargo Insurance海洋货物保险 Chapter 8 Inspection,Claim,Force Majeure and Arbitration检验、索赔、不可抗力和仲裁 Chapter 9 Import and Export Procedures进出口程序 Chapter 10 Agreements,Organizations and Protectionism协议、机构和贸易保护主义
