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作 者: 何康民 著
出版社: 武汉大学出版社
丛编项: 商务英语核心课程系列教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787307156807 出版时间: 2015-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 160 字数:  






Chapter 1 Overview for the Documentation 1.1 The Implication of Export Documents 1.2 Position of Documentation in Export Trade 1.3 Classification of Export Documents 1.4 Basic Requirements for Documentation 1.5 The Fulfillment of Export Contract 1.6 Incoterms 2010 Chapter 2 Business Contract 2.1 The General Description for Business Contract 2.2 The Structure of Business Contract 2.3 The Clauses of Business Contract Chapter 3 Letter of Credit 3.1 Overview for Letter of Credit 3.2 The Operation of L/C 3.3 Different Types of L/C 3.4 Sample Irrevocable Letter of Credit Chapter 4 Bill of Exchange/Dratt 4.1 Overview for Bill of Exchange 4.2 Classification of Bill of Exchange 4.3 Legal Acts of Bill of Exchange 4.4 Promissory Note 4.5 Examples of Draft and Promissory Note Chapter 5 Commercial Invoice 5.1 Overview for Commercial Invoice 5.2 Customs Invoice 5.3 Proforma Invoice 5.4 Examples of Various Invoices Chapter 6 Shipping Documents 6.1 Ocean Bill of Lading 6.2 Seaway Bill 6.3 Multi—modal Transport 6.4 Air Transportation 6.5 Railway Transportation Chapter 7 International Cargo Transport Insurance 7.1 Marine Insurance 7.2 Insurance Documents Chapter 8 Other Documents 8.1 Packing List 8.2 Certificate of Origin 8.3 Inspection Certificate 8.4 Bill of Entry 8.5 Export License 8.6 Additional Documents Chapter 9 Calculations in Internahonal Trade 9.1 Foreign Trade Dependence Ratio 9.2 Calculation of Conditioned Weight 9.3 Calculation of Foreign Exchange Cost 9.4 Calculation of Price with Commission 9.5 Calculation of Premium 9.6 Calculation of Freight Keys to the Exercises
