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定 价:¥29.80

作 者: 李伟
出版社: 航空工业出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787516504956 出版时间: 2014-07-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  






UNIT 1 Beginning of College Life
SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth
Part One: Listen and Practice
Part Two" Listen and Repeat
Part Three: Role Play
SECTION II Try Your Brain
Text A
Text B
SECTION Ⅲ Try Your Hands
Personal Information Form
UNIT 2 Time Management
SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth
Part One: Listen and Practice
Part Two: Listen and Repeat
Part Three: Role Play
SECTION II Try Your Brain
Text A
Text B
SECTION Ⅲ Try Your Hands
UNIT 3 Study
SECTION Ⅰ Try Your Ears and Mouth
Part One: Listen and Practice
Part Two: Listen and Repeat
Part Three: Role Play
SECTION II Try Your Brain
Text A
Text B
SECTION III Try Your Hands
UNIT 4 Friends
SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth
Part One: Listen and Practice
Part Two: Listen and Repeat
Part Three: Role Play
SECTION Ⅱ Try Your Brain
Text A
Text B
SECTION Ⅲ Try Your Hands
Invitation and Reply to Invitation
UNIT 5 Festivals
SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth
Part One: Listen and Practice
Part Two: Listen and Repeat
Part Three: Role Play
SECTION II Try Your Brain
Text A
Text B
SECTION Ⅲ Try Your Hands
Congratulation Cards
UNIT 6 Love on Campus
SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth
Part One: Listen and Practice
Part Two: Listen and Repeat
Part Three: Role Play
SECTION II Try Your Brain
Text A
Text B
SECTION Ⅲ Try Your Hands
Personal Letter
UNIT 7 Hobbies
SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth
Part One: Listen and Practice
Part Two: Listen and Repeat
Part Three: Role Play
SECTION Ⅱ Try Your Brain
Text A
Text B
SECTION III Try Your Hands
UNIT 8 I dot's Charm
SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth
Part One: Listen and Practice
Part Two: Listen and Repeat
Part Three: Role Play
SECTION II Try Your Brain
Text A
Text B
SECTION Ⅲ Try Your Hands
Business Card
