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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术医学肿瘤学贝塞斯达临床肿瘤学手册(英文影印版 第4版)

贝塞斯达临床肿瘤学手册(英文影印版 第4版)

贝塞斯达临床肿瘤学手册(英文影印版 第4版)

定 价:¥98.00

作 者: (美)Jame Abraham,(美)James L.Gulley,(美)Carmen J.Allegra
出版社: 天津科技翻译出版有限公司
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787543334830 出版时间: 2015-04-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 756 字数:  


  贝塞斯达临床肿瘤学手册在简要介绍病因学、病理生理学、流行病学的基础上重点介绍实用的临床信息。对各种疾病进行全面的分析、回顾,包括具体疗法、用药剂量、疗程等信息。第四版在前几版的基础上,对所有章节都进行了更新并添加了两章新内容:“临床遗传学”和“基于诊断的个体肿瘤护理”,提供了新的治疗方案并更新了临床试验数据,介绍了更多新型化疗药物(包括新疗法和剂量)。为便于读者获取实用信息,《贝塞斯达临床肿瘤学手册(英文影印版 第4版)》在内容上避免了大篇幅的描述,代之以表格、图片、流程图等形式方便读者阅读。此外,几乎在所有章节,都设置了选择题以帮助读者强化学习效果,便于读者掌握和理解。该书提供了最新最全面的专业知识,为肿瘤学家、肿瘤科医生、住院医生、学生、肿瘤护士以及其他相关专业工作者搭建了一座桥梁,使科学进展能更快地被用于临床实践,改善癌症诊疗。


暂缺《贝塞斯达临床肿瘤学手册(英文影印版 第4版)》作者简介


SECTION ONE Head and Neck
Chapter 1  Head and Neck Cancer
Chapter 2  Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer
Chapter 3  Small Cell Lung Cancer
SECTION THREE Digestive System
Chapter 4  Esophageal Cancer
Chapter 5  Gastric Cancers
Chapter 6  Biliary Tract Cancer
Chapter 7  Primary Cancers of the Liver
Chapter 8  Colorectal Cancer
Chapter 9  Pancreatic Cancer
Chapter 10  Anal Cancer
Chapter 11  Other Gastrointestinal Tumors
Chapter 12  Breast Cancer
SECTION FIVE Genitourinary
Chapter 13  Renal Cell Cancer
Chapter 14  Prostate Cancer
Chapter 15  Bladder Cancer
Chapter 16  Testicular Carcinoma
SECTION six Gynecologic
Chapter 17  Ovarian Cancer
Chapter 18  Endometrial Cancer
Chapter 19  Cervical Cancer
Chapter 20  Vulvar Cancer
SECTION seven Musculoskeletal
Chapter 21  Sarcomas and Malignancies of the Bone
SECTION eight Skin
Chapter 22  Skin Cancers and Melanoma
SECTION NINE Hematologic Malignancies
Chapter 23  Acute Leukemia
Chapter 24  Chronic Lymphoid Leukemias
Chapter 25  Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Chapter 26  Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
Chapter 27  Multiple Myeloma
Chapter 28  Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Chapter 29  Hodgkin Lymphoma
Chapter 30  Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
SECTION TEN Other Malignancies
Chapter 31  Carcinoma of Unknown Primary
Chapter 32  Central Nervous System Tumors
Chapter 33  Endocrine Tumors
SECTION ELEVEN Supportive Care
Chapter 34  Hematopoietic Growth Factors
Chapter 35  Infectious Complications in Oncology
Chapter 36  Oncologic Emergencies and Paraneoplastic Syndromes
Chapter 37  Psychopharmacologic Management in Oncology
Chapter 38  Management of Emesis
Chapter 39  Medical Nutrition Therapy
Chapter 40  Pain and Palliative Care
Chapter 41  Central Venous Access Device
SECTION TWELVE Common Office Procedures and Other Topics
Chapter 42  Procedures in Medical Oncology
Chapter 43  Diagnosis-Driven Individualization of Cancer Care
Chapter 44  Basic Principles of Radiation Oncology
Chapter 45  Clinical Genetics
Chapter 46  Anticancer Agents
