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定 价:¥30.00

作 者: 戴丽琼,丰瑾
出版社: 东南大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787564149000 出版时间: 2014-07-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  






Unit 1  Overview of Business English Writing
Lesson 1  Writing Principles
Lesson 2  Features of Business Writing
Lesson 3  Writing Process
Unit 2  Job Application
Lesson 1  Resume
Lesson 2  Letter of Application
Lesson 3  Letter of Recommendation
Unit 3  Intra-corporate Documents ( I )
Lesson 1  Notice
Lesson 2  Memo
Unit 4  Intra-corporate Documents ( II )
Lesson 1  Meeting Agenda
Lesson 2  Meeting Minutes
Unit 5  Social Correspondence ( I )
Lesson 1  Invitation
Lesson 2  Certificate
Unit 6  Social Correspondence ( II )
Lesson 1  Letter of Congratulation
Lesson 2  Letter of Thanks
Lesson 3  Letter of Complaint
Lesson 4  Letter of Apology
Unit 7  Business Correspondence
Lesson 1  Introduction
Lesson 2  Layout of Business Correspondence
Lesson 3  Format of Business Correspondence
Lesson 4  Common Business Correspondence
Unit 8  Publicity Materials
Lesson 1  Press Release
Lesson 2  Advertisement
Unit 9  Business Reports
Lesson 1  Introduction
Lesson 2  Categorization of Business Reports
Lesson 3  Layout of Business Reports
Lesson 4  Sample Reports
Lesson 5  Several Common Reports
Unit 10  Business Proposal
Lesson 1  Introduction
Lesson 2  Layout of Business Proposal
Lesson 3  Sample Proposals
Unit 11  Business Contracts
Lesson 1  Introduction
Lesson 2  Layout of Business Contracts
Lesson 3  Language Features of Business Contracts
Lesson 4  Sample Business Contracts
Unit 12  Questionnaire
Lesson 1  Introduction
Lesson 2  Writing Principles
Lesson 3  Sample Questionnaires
Unit 13  Graph and Chart
Lesson 1  Introduction
Lesson 2  Categorization of Graphs and Charts
Lesson 3  Samples of Graphs and Charts
