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定 价:¥68.00

作 者: 乌蛮兹佳 编;倪延硕,马欣 译
出版社: 中国画报出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787514611762 出版时间: 2015-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 163 字数:  


  毒品是世界性公害,禁毒是国际社会刻不容缓的共同责任。近年来,中国政府针对日渐严峻的禁毒形势,采取了一系列的措施,取得了举世瞩目的成绩。作为世界上人口大的国家,与国际社会联手做好本国禁毒工作,是对世界的重大贡献。《铲除罂粟花 中国国际禁毒行动(英文版)》以讲故事的形式,选取了丰富的案例和具体的人物和故事,通过图文并茂的形式,讲述了中国政府与国际社会合作,联手禁毒的情况。


  乌蛮兹佳,Wumanzijia, a noted writer and reporter.As an armed police officer, he was at one time put in charge of Nansan Border Station of Lincang, a drug enforcement forefront, where he led his men to fight heroically against drug traffickers based in the neighboring First Special Zone of the Shan State, Myanmar. He now serves as Vice President of Yunnan Provincial Literary and Art Federation for Public Security and Frontier Defense Personnel.


Part Ⅰ Harmful Drugs
Chapter 1 Drugs Going Rampant
Chapter 2 Harmful Effects of Drugs
Chapter 3 Drugs and AIDS
Chapter 4 Drugs and Celebrities
Part Ⅱ Keeping off Drugs
Chapter 5 Prevention Education Is the Key
Chapter 6 Prohibition on Taking, Planting, Manufacturing Drugs and Rehabilitation
Chapter 7 Collaborative Battle
Part Ⅲ Strict Drug Prohibition
Chapter 8 Blocking the Sources and Cutting off Transportation Channels
Chapter 9 Detecting Special Cases
Chapter 10 Tackling Drug-Related Crimes
Chapter 11 International Cooperation
Part Ⅳ A Monument to Anti-Drug Heroes
Chapter 12 Eternity Achieved amid Gunfire
Chapter 13 Forever at Eighteen
Chapter 14 Never Let Go
Chapter 15 An Immortal Soul
