Chapter 1 Culture and Intercultural Communication Research
1.l Concepts of Culture and Intercultural Communication
1.2 Metaphors for Culture
1.3 History of Intercultural Communication(ICC)
1.4 Contents of Intereuhura[ Communication Research
Chapter 2 Influential Scholars and Theories of Intercultural Communication
2.1 Edward T.Hall's Value Orientation
2.2 Kluckhohn's and Strodtbeck's Value Orientation
2.3 Geert Hofstede's National Value Dimensions
2.4 The Project GLOBE Study and Cultural Dimensions
2.5 Fons Trompenaars's Value Dimensions
2.6 Triandis's Cultural Dimensions
2.7 Shalom H.Sehwartz' s Universal Values Orientations
2.8 Value Orientations
Chapter 3 Global Cultural Clusters
3.1 Introduction to Global Cultural Clusters
3.2 Anglo Culture
3.3 Confucian Asian Culture
3.4 Latin American Culture
3.5 Middle East Culture