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定 价:¥44.90

作 者: 叶兴国,李慧 等编
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 高级商务英语系列教材
标 签: 口语/生活实用英语 商务/职场英语 外语


ISBN: 9787513568050 出版时间: 2015-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 263 字数:  






Unit 1 Global Trade
Text A Global Trade: The Road to Ruin
Text B After Six Years, the Global Trade Talks Are Just That: Talk
Supplementary Reading No End of Free Trade
Test Yourself
Unit 2 Tourism Today
Text A The Tour of Duty
Text B Eco-Friendly Resorts: Into the Woods
Supplementary Reading Much Greater Paris
Test Yourself
Unit 3 Digital Marketing
Text A When Digital Marketing Campaigns Actually Work
Text B Digital Marketing—What Does It Really Mean? Insights from Nine Brand Digital Marketers
Supplementary Reading Adidas: Another Winner at the World Cup?
Test Yourself
Unit 4 TV Ads and Web Ads
Text A Corny Ads, Nice Revenue
Text B What Works in Online Video Advertising?
Supplementary Reading This Is Your Brain on Advertising
Test Yourself
Unit 5 International Transportation
Text A International Air Transportation
Text B Shipping
Supplementary Reading A Section from Logistics and Fulfillment for E-Business
Test Yourself
Unit 6 Telecommunications
Text A Last Call: Can Nokia Compete with Apple and Android?
Text B How Fast Will Your Internet Be in 2020?
Supplementary Reading How Cloud Computing Will Change Business
Test Yourself
Unit 7 Intellectual Property Protection
Text A Intellectual Property Law and Employees
Text B Smartphones Are the Latest Patent Battleground
Supplementary Reading Copycats vs. Copyrights
Test Yourself
Unit 8 Real Estate
Text A Ten Tips for Getting a Fair Price on Your Home
Text B Should I Buy a House for My Child at College?
Supplementary Reading Property Co-Ownership
Test Yourself
Unit 9 Multinational Companies
Text A Motivations to Go Abroad
Text B Culture and International Business
Supplementary Reading The Benefits of Multinational Companies
Test Yourself
Unit 10 Banking
Text A About Banking
Text B The Five Money Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making
Supplementary Reading Defend Your Data: Five< 
