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定 价:¥42.99

作 者: 丹尼斯·勒贝夫(Dennis James Le Boeuf) 景黎明(Liming Jing)编
出版社: 航空工业出版社
标 签: 口语/生活实用英语 社交/生活口语 外语


ISBN: 9787900285003 出版时间: 2015-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  






Part 1 
1.How Are You? 
2.How Is Your English? 
3.How Are You Doing? 
4.What's the Matter With You? 
5.Hi, Dennis! 
I Haven't Seen You for a Long Time. 
How've You Been? 
6.Where Did You Go? 
8.I Have a Cold. 
I Have the Flu. 
I Have a Fever. 
9.Can I Take a Message? 
Can You Hold On for a Minute? 
Part 2 
Saying Good—bye 
2.Say Hello to Carol 
3.Have a Nice Trip! 
4.It Was Fun Talking to You! 
It Was So Nice to See Youl 
5.Why Don't You Stay fota While? 
Can't You Stay for a Little Bit Longer? 
Part 3 
Where Is It? I Can't Find It 
1.Where Is My Checkbook? 
2.Where Is My Credit Card? 
3.Where Is My Book? 
4.Where Are Your Things 
5.I Can't Find Them Anywhere! 
6.Where Can I Find a Job? 
7.Where Is Sue? What's She Doing? 
Part 4 
How to Identify Yourself 
1.What's Your Name? 
2.Where Are You From? 
3.Who, What, When,Where,Why,How,How,Long 
4.Who Is That Young Lady Sitting by the Window? 
Part 5 
1.Too Cold! 
2.I'm Shivering With Co 
I Can't Stand the Cold. 
3.Too Hot! 
4.It's Too Hot to Study Today 
5.It's a Nice Day Today! 
6.It's Raining. 
7.It Looks Like 
8.Four Seasons 
9.Which City Is the Windiest City in the United States? 
2.Welcome Back Party 
3.It's My Turn 
4.Air Show 
Part 7 
1.Can You Speak English? 
2.Your English Sounds Great! 
3.I'm Afraid I Can't Leam Chinese! 
4.I'm Afraid My Spanish Sounds Awful 
Part 8 
1.You Look Lovely Today.So Do You 
2.What a Nice T—shirt! 
I Love Your Panda T—shut. 
It Looks Nice on You. 
3.It's a Man—killer Skirt! 
4.You Did a Good Job! 
Part 9 
Hurry Up! 
1.Get Up.It's Time to Get Up. 
It's Time for Breakfast. 
It's Time to Go to School 
2.Are You Ready? 
3.Hurry Up! Be Quick! 
Let's Get Rolling! 
Get Your Butt in Gear! 
4.You've Got to Walk Faster 
Part 10 
1.Excuse Me.I Just Burped. 
2.I'm Sorry I Messed Up Your Computer. 
3.I'm Sorry I Was Crabby. 
4.Don't be a Hog! 
Part 11 
1.You Shouldn't Have Messed Up My Computer. 
2.You Shouldn't Have Done It That Way. 
You Should Have Done It My Way 
3.You Never Listen to Me. 
4.Give Me a Break 
5.You Owe Me an Apology. 
Part 12 
Love and Marriage 
1.I Love You. 
2.I'm in Love With Sue. 
3.Are You Married? 
4.He Is Still Single 
5.Tom Is Divorced. 
6.Do You Want to Marry Jane? 
Don't Chicken Out at the Last Minute. 
7.To Be Honest With You, Our Honeymoon Is Over. 
8.Slightly Lost 
Part 13Habit 
1.Do You Like to Travel? 
2.Do You Usually Go to Bed Late? 
3.What Would You Like to Have for Lunch? 
4.When Do You Usually Go to School? 
Part 14 
1.Be Careful! 
2.Watch Out! 
