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看听学2 学生用书(最新版)

看听学2 学生用书(最新版)

定 价:¥38.00

作 者: (英)亚历山大 编,戴炜栋 改编
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
标 签: 其他综合教程 外语 英语综合教程


ISBN: 9787544623339 出版时间: 2015-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  




暂缺《看听学2 学生用书(最新版)》作者简介


Rev. L
1 The holidays are over
Rev. L
3 Photographs of our holiday
Rev. L.
5 A pair of sunglasses
Rev. L.
7 Please pay attention!
Rev. L.
9 Can you tell us the way?
Rev. L.
11 Professor Boffin
Rev. L
13 MrsGasbag
Rev. L
15 The weighing machine
17 Flour and water
19 Sandy's money box
21 Father hangs a picture
23 Professor Boffin's umbrella
25 It sounds terrible!
27 A funny cake
29 Mother meets Mr May
31 Sandy has a bad cold
33 Sandy's medicine
35 No parking
37 Pour it over yourselfi
39 Haircut or shave?
41 A fight
43 Where's the key?
  Where's the car?
45 Sue's diary
47 Professor Boffin's shoes
49 Scientists are clever men
51 Sue's diary At the dentist's
53 Put those cakes back!
55 Professor Boffin buys some eggs
57 A lovely treat
59 Sue's diary: Grandma
  and Grandpa
61 Mrs Boffin's birthday
63 Sue's diary: The donkey
65 Sue's diary: Farmer
  Gimbel arrives
67 Sue's diary: Give him a carrot!
69 Sue's diary' We said goodbye
71 Sue's diary: Lucky or unlucky?.
73 Sun's diary: Who is it?
75 Sue's diary: What do you
  want for breakfast?
77 Sue's diary: Pass it along!
79 Sue's diary: A new kite
81 Sue"s diary: A day indoors
83 Billy's lucky number
85 A very short visit
87 I didn't play truant!
89 Try it on
91 How Iong've you been here?
93 There's been a mistake!
95 Whoops! "
97 That's a nice fire
99 A trick
101 Don't waste time!
103 A new pair of shoes
105 Where shall we go?
107 The robot comes to tea
109 Fishing in the rain
111 A big fire
113 Who'll run an errand for me?
115 "L" for learner
117 What do you want me to do?
119 The end of term
