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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术交通运输公路运输电动汽车对电力系统的影响与V2G关键技术(英文版)



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作 者: Canbing,Li,Yijia,Cao,Yonghong ... 著
出版社: 科学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787030484352 出版时间: 2016-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 105 字数:  


  This book analyzes the influence of electric vehicles on microclimate and the indirect influence on power load from a unique perspective. It discusses different aspects of Vehicle-to- grid (V2G) technology, including large and small-scale charging infrastructures, and describes the effect on electricity price, voltage, frequency and other key V2G technologies. It introduces various aspects of the influence of electric vehicles on the power grids and the control strategies for achieving economic, safe and steady grid operation using V2G technologies. This book is suitable for senior undergraduates and postgraduates majoring in electrical, transportation, or environmental engineering,as well as other related professionals.




1 Influences of EVs on Power System by Improving the Microclimate
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Impact of Urban Microclimate on Electric ACEC
1.2.1 Case and Data Selection
1.2.2 Electrical ACEC Data
1.2.3 Effect of UHIE on Perceived Temperature
1.2.4 Effect of THE on Perceived Temperature
1.2.5 Effect of CE on Perceived Temperature
1.3 Interaction Between Urban Microclimate and Electric ACEC
1.3.1 Comprehensive Effect of Urban Microclimate on Electric ACEC
1.3.2 The Feedback of Electric ACEC on Urban Microclimate
1.4 Discussion About Interaction Between Urban Microclimate and Electric ACEC
1.5 The Influence of EVs on Urban Microclimate
1.6 Case Study on Influences of EVs on Urban Microclimate
1.7 Reduction of ACEC
1.8 Conclusions
2 The Response of EV Charging Loads to TOU Price
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Optimized Charging Model in Response to TOU Price
2.3 Algorithm
2.4 Case Study
2.4.1 Settings of Simulation
2.4.2 The Results and Analysis of Simulation
2.5 Conclusions
3 The Response of EV Charging Load to the Grid Voltage
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Profile of the Proposed Strategy
3.2.1 The Selection of Voltage Signal
3.2.2 UVLS with the Participation of EV Charging Load
3.3 Case Study
3.3.1 Parameters and Model of Simulation
3.3.2 Results of the Simulation
3.4 Conclusions
4 The Response of Large-Scale EV Charging Loads to Frequency . .
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Characteristics of EV Charging Loads
4.3 The Current Related Research of EVs on FR
4.3.1 EVs' Advantages in FR
4.3.2 The Current Related Research of FR Based on the Coordination Among EVs, AGC, BESSs
4.4 Properties of FR Resources
4.4.1 Traditional FR Resources
4.4.2 Large-Scale Energy Storage Devices
4.4.3 EV/BESS FR Resource
4.5 Coordinated Control Strategy for EVs/BESSs
4.5.1 Coordination Principle
4.5.2 Implementation Method for Coordinated FR
4.6 Case Study and Results
4.6.1 Simulation Model and Parameters
4.6.2 Simulations of Power System FR
4.7 Conclusions
5 The Asynchronous Response of Small-Scale Charging Facilities to Grid Frequency
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Formulation of the Proposed Control Method
5.3 The Demonstration of Coordination
5.4 The Demonstration of Equality
5.5 Case Study
5.5.1 Simulation Model and Parameters
5.5.2 Validation of Coordination
5.5.3 Validation of Equality
5.6 Conclusions
6 Analysis on Typical Schemes of the Integration of EV Charging Facilities into the Grid
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Main Considerations on the Integration of Charging Facilities into the Grid
6.3 Estimate of the EVCS's Reverse Discharge Capacity
6.4 Typical Schemes of the Integration of Charging Facilities into the Grid
6.4.1 Schemes of the Integration of EVCPs into the Grid
6.4.2 EVCSs Directly Integrated into or Adjacent to 110 kV Substations
6.4.3 EVCSs Integrated into the Tie Point of Looped Distribution Grid
6.4.4 Parallel Operation of EVCSs with the Special Important Load
6.5 Conclusions
7 EV Charging Facility Planning
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Stages of EV Charging Facility Planning
7.3 Charging Modes Selection and Demand Forecasting
7.3.1 Charging Modes Selection
7.3.2 Charging Demand Forecasting
7.4 Charging Facility Planning
7.4.1 Planning Principles and Process
7.4.2 Planning Model
7.5 Case Study
7.5.1 Analysis on Charging Mode Selection
7.5.2 Analysis on Charging Facility Planning
7.6 Conclusions
