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定 价:¥24.80

作 者: 杨雅坤
出版社: 机械工业出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787111520511 出版时间: 2015-12-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 116 字数:  






Day 1
Doing schoolwork
Most important characteristic for leaders
Providing financial support for artists
Facilities vs. teachers
Taking part-time jobs
TV programs madein our own countryvs. foreign countries
Pubic recognition vs. money
Praising good people and punishing bad people
Competition vs friendship
Low salary job vs. high salary job
Using of private cars vs. public transportation
Challenging dreams vs. realistic dreams
Pay fees for driving or not
Artists vs. political leaders (society)
Simpler life vs. complicated life (technology)
Day 2
Negative effects vs. positive effects of television programs
Advice from older friends vs. peers
Accept idea or not
Playing vs. schoolwork
Being polite to others
Friendlier than in the past
Money vs. friendship
Cars vs. airplanes
Large-size party vs. small-size party
Being patient or not
Assign homework everyday
Building new housings vs. preserve hold buildings
Educate vs. entertain (television)
Using mobile phones
Main cause of unhealthy eating habits
Day 3
Job vs. social life (happiness)
Posing photos on social network sites
Try different jobs before long career
Movies vs. physical exercises (relax)
Work / travel before university
Movies that are worth watching
Urban areas vs. rural areas (take care of family)
Tutor vs. friends (ask for help)
Motivation of businesspeople
University attracts good students
Improve the quality of education
Free time
Using own knowledge vs. asking others
University attracts good students
Most important thing to improve health care
Day 4
Many skills vs. one skill
Get to pnow a country
Company investment
Solve environmental pollution
Dependence of young people
Relationship between neat room and success
Factors of effective leaders
Telling the truth
Pay for public transportation
How to solve environmental issues
Printed books vs. electronic books
Factor of success in life
Lessons of playing sports
TV vs. newspaper (news)
Day 5
One project vs. many projects
Importance of family reunion
Following stars
Education of people
Move to a new city
Take non-major classes
Like others vs. different from others
City vs. countryside
Get to know others
Buy things made in our own country
Telephones vs. Televisions
Ability to read and write
Busy doing too many things
Protect energy
Family vs. Friends (influence)
Day 6
Cooking time
Email vs. telephone
Follow world news
Relax while doing homework
Involved in politics
Good jobs vs. famous professors
Main role of professors
Today vs. past (healthy food)
Adaptation vs. knowledge
Solve most important problems
Young people vs. older people (enjoy life)
Watch movies (types)
Understanding of children
Solar energy vs. traditional energy
Three/four classes vs. many classes
Day 7
Planning ability
Now vs. past (teaching)
Past vs. today (staying healthy)
Advertising is not useful
Intelligent friends vs. humorous friends
Malls vs. small shops
Wearing uniforms
Old vs. young (learning new things)
Theaters vs. home (watch movies)
The way to truly relax
Difficult classes vs. Easy classes
Large company vs. smaller company
Career service for students
More time for studying
