1.1 The mycorrhizal definition
1.2 The mycorrhizal discovery
1.3 Mycorrhizal fungi and mycorrhizal plants
1.4 The mycorrhizal benefits to both the plants and the fungi
1.5 The types of Mycorrhizae
1.6 Ectomycorrhizae
1.7 Ectomycorrhizal fungi
2.Alnanitaceae and Hygrophoraceae
2.1 Amanita
2.2 Limacella
2.3 Hygrophorus
3.Cortinariaceae, Hydnangiaceae and Inocybaceae
3.1 Cortinarius
3.2 Hebeloma
3.3 Laccaria
3.4 Inocybe
4.Entolomataceae and Tricholomataceae
4.1 Entoloma
4.2 Tricholoma
5.1 Boletellus
5.2 Boletus
5.3 Harrya
5.4 Heimioporus
5.5 Leccinum
5.6 Phyllopoms
5.7 Pulveroboletus
5.8 Retiboletus
5.9 Rubinoboletus
5.10 Strobilomyces
5.11 Tylopilus
5.12 Xanthoeonium
5.13 Xerocomellus
5.14 Xerocomus
6.Calostomataceae,Gyroporaceae,Paxillaceae and Sderodermataceae
6.1 Calostoma
6.2 Gyroporus
6.3 Gyrodon
6.4 Paxillus
6.5 Pisolithus
6.6 Scleroderma
7.Rhizopogonaceae and Suillaceae
7.1 Rhizopogon
7.2 Suillus
8.1 Cantharellus
8.2 Craterellus
9.1 Gomphus
9.2 Ramaria
9.3 Turbinellus
10.Albatrellaceae and Russulaceae
10.1 Albatrellus
10.2 Lactarius
10.3 Russula
11.Bankeraceae and Thelephoraceae
11.1 Hydnellum
11.2 Hydnum
11.3 Sarcodon
11.4 Thelepbora
Appendix:Ectomycorrhizae-related Gomphidiaceae
Index of fungal Latin names