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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术自然科学生物科学中国叶甲



定 价:¥298.00

作 者: Yang Xingke,Ge Siqin,Nie Ruie 等 编
出版社: 科学出版社有限责任公司
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787030468840 出版时间: 2015-01-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 507 字数:  


  今年是国际著名的昆虫学家陈世骧院士诞辰110周年。为了纪念陈先生对我国乃至世界叶甲总科的系统学研究做出的贡献,作为他亲自创建的叶甲研究团队和后学,我们对自“The Chrysomelidae(Coleoptera)of China and Korea”(Gressitt and Kimoto,1963)以来到2014年50年来中国叶甲进行了系统的总结和修订。《中国叶甲》仅包括狭义的叶甲科,即仅包括叶甲亚科Chrysomelinae、萤叶甲亚科Galerucinae和跳甲亚科Alicinae。《中国叶甲》共记录了叶甲科3亚科260属2304种(亚种),其中:叶甲亚科36属397种,萤叶甲亚科124属1054种(亚种),跳甲亚科100属853种(亚种)。与“The Chrysomelidae(Coleoptera)of China and Korea”相比,五十年来,叶甲亚科原纪录28属191种(亚种),现增加了8属206种(亚种);萤叶甲亚科原记载了94属527种(亚种),现增加了30属527种(亚种);跳甲亚科原纪录63属310种(亚种),现增加了37属543种(亚种)。其中发现新属31个,新种(亚种)996个。同时,有不少属、种被修订或被异名等。《中国叶甲》提供了属、种检索表,每个种都试图给予较为完整的文献印证及模式产地和模式保存地。每种最后列出中国各省的分布记录,同时也列出亚洲国家的分布记录,对远离中国的其他大地理区只给出大区名称,如:欧洲、澳大利亚、非洲等。对寄主确定的种类,在分布后面列出寄主名称。共有图版84幅,其中彩色图版6面。




Subfamily Chrysomelinae Lacordaire, 1845
(1) Genus Phola Weise, 1890
(2) Genus Potaninia Weise, 1889
(3) Genus Suinzona Chen, 1931
(4) Genus Taipinus Lopatin, 2007
(5) Genus Oreomela Jakobson, 1895
(6) Genus Entomoscelis Chevrolat, 1837
(7) Genus Cystocnemis Motschulsky, 1860
(8) Genus Xenomela Weise, 1884
(9) Genus Yunnaedon Daccordi et Medvedev, 1999
(10) Genus Sclerophaedon Weise, 1882
(11) Genus Sternoplatys Motschulsky, 1860
(12) Genus Yulongedon Daccordi et Ge, 2012
(13) Genus Neophaedon Jakobson, 1901
(14) Genus Odontoedon Ge et Daccordi, 2013
(15) Genus Prasocuris Latreille, 1802
(16) Genus Phaedon Latreille, 1829
(17) Genus Colaphellus Weise, 1916
(18) Genus Gastrophysa Chevrolat, 1837
(19) Genus Gastrolina Baly, 1859
(20) Genus Gastrolinoides Chfij6 et Kimoto, 1960
(21) Genus Plagiodera Chevrolat, 1837
(22) Genus Agasta Hope, 1840
(23) Genus Chrysomela Linnaeus, 1758
(24) Genus Linaeidea Motschulsky, 1860
(25) Genus Asiparopsis Chen, 1934
(26) Genus Paropsides Motschulsky, 1860
(27) Genus Phratora Chevrolat, 1837
(28) Genus Gonioctena Chevrolat, 1837
(29) Genus Humba Chen, 1934
(30) Genus Crosita Motschulsky, 1860
(31) Genus Ambrostoma Motschulsky, 1860
(32) Genus Agrosteella Medvedev, 1987
(33) Genus Agrosteomela Gistl, 1857
(34) Genus Parambrostoma Chen, 1936
(35) Genus Chrysolina Motschulsky, 1860
(36) Genus Leptinotarsa Chevrolat, 1836
Subfamily Galerucinae Chevrolat, 1845
Ⅰ. Tribe Oidini Weise
(1) Genus Oides Weber, 1801
Ⅱ. Tribe Galerucini Laboissiere
(2) Genus Clitena Baly, 1864
(3) Genus Periclitena Weise, 1902
(4) Genus Clitenella Laboissiere, 1927
(5) Genus Doryxenoides Laboissiere, 1927
(6) Genus Zangastra Chen et Jiang, 1981
(7) Genus Sastracella Jacoby, 1899
(8) Genus Sastroides Jacoby, 1884
(9) Genus Anadimonia Ogloblin, 1936.
(10) Genus Menippus Clark, 1864.
(11) Genus Diorhabda Weise, 1883
(12) Genus Radymna Reitter, 1912
(13) Genus Atysa Baly, 1864
(14) Genus Galerucella Crotch, 1873
(15) Genus Pyrrhalta Joannis, 1866
(16) Genus Lochmaea Strand, 1935
(17) Genus Mimastracella Jacoby, 1903
(18) Genus Galeruca Muller, 1764
(19) Genus Theone Gistle, 1857
(20) Genus Pallasiola Jakobson, 1925
(21) Genus Hirtigaleruca Chujo, 1962.
(22) GenusApterogaleruca Chuj6, 1962
(23) Genus Pseudadimonia Duvivier, 1891
(24) Genus Pterophthinus Gressitt et Kimoto, 1963
(25) Genus Geinella Strand, 1935
(26) Genus Nyctiphantus Semenov, 1895
(27) Genus Geinula Ogloblin, 1936
(28) Genus Apophylia Thomson, 1858
Ⅲ. Tribe Metacyclini Leng
(29) Genus Erganoides Jacoby, 1903
Ⅳ. Tribe Hylaspini Silfverberg
(30) Genus Dercetina Gressitt et Kimoto, 1963
(31) Genus Arthrotus Motschulsky, 1857
(32) Genus Taphinella Jacoby, 1889.
(33) Genus Arthrotidea Chen, 1942
(34) Genus Emathea Baly, 1865
(35) Genus Dercetisoma Maulik, 1936.
(36) Genus Proegmena Weise, 1889
(37) Genus Sermyloides Jacoby, 1884
Subfamilia Alticinae Chujo,1953
