第一篇 铅元素人为循环
第1章 多尺度铅元素人为循环分析:方法
The Multilevel Cycle ofAnthropogenic Lead:Ⅰ.Methodology
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Framing the Lead Cycle
1.3 The Mining and Processing of Lead
1.4 Lead Fabrication and Product Manufacture
1.5 Lead Flow at the Use Stage
1.6 Lead Flow at the Waste Management&Recycling Stage
1.7 Data Quality and Uncertainty
1.8 Summary
第2章 多尺度铅元素人为循环分析:结果与讨论
The Multilevel Cycle of Anthropogenic Lead:Ⅱ.Results and Discussion
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Framework of Multilevel Lead Cycle Characterization
2.3 Multilevel Lead Flows and Cycles
2.3.1 The Lead Cycle for Selected Countries
2.3.2 Regional Lead Cycles
2.3.3 A Detailed Regional—Level Lead Cycle
2.3.4 The Global Lead Cycle
2.4 Comparing Lead Flows in Countries and Regions
2.5 Discussion
第3章 铅元素使用蓄积动力分析
Lead In—Use Stock: A Dynamic Analysis
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Methodology
3.2.1 "Top—Down" Computation of In—Use Stocks
3.2.2 Considerations for Specific Lead Product Groups
3.2.3 Types of Stocks and Losses
3.3 Lead In—Use Stock in the 20th Century
3.3.1 Additions to Stock in Year 2000
3.3.2 Global In—Use Stock,1900—2000
3.4 In—Use Lead Stocks in Regions and Countries
3.4.1 The Disaggregation Methodology
3.4.2 The Results of Disaggregation
3.5 Discussion
第4章 中国铅元素人为释放动力分析及其环境累积
A Dynamic Analysis of Environmental Losses from Anthropogenic Lead Flow and Their Accumulation in China
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Methodology
4.2.1 The Model of Lead Emissions in Anthropogenic Cycle
4.2.2 Intensity and Accumulative Equations of Lead Emissions
4.2.3 Values of the Parameters and the Data Sources
4.3 Results and Discussions
4.3.1 The Intensity of Lead Emissions
4.3.2 The Accumulative Lead Emissions
4.3.3 Data Uncertainty and Perspectives
4.4 Conclusions
第5章 铅酸电池系统的铅流分析
The Lead Flow Analysis for Lead—Acid Battery Systems
5.1 研究方法
5.1.1 铅酸电池系统及其铅的流动
5.1.2 评价指标
5.1.3 铅酸电池生命周期铅流图
5.2 铅流基本规律
5.2.1 资源效率
5.2.2 环境效率
5.2.3 环境效率与资源效率的关系
5.3 铅酸电池系统中铅的流动(实例分析)
5.3.1 中国铅酸电池系统的铅流
5.3.2 结果与讨论
5.4 结论
第6章 中国铅流分析
The Industrial Flow of Lead in China
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Theoretical Study
6.2.1 The IFL Model
6.2.2 Evaluation Indices: External Indices
6.2.3 Primary Regulation of the System
6.2.4 The Evaluation Indices: Internal Indices
6.3 Case Study: the Industnal Flow of Lead in China
6.3.1 Bnef Description of Lead Flow in China
6.3.2 Data Sources
6.3.3 Evaluation of the IFL in China
6.3.4 Analvsis of Causes and Proposed Improvements
6.4 Conclusions
第7章 2005年北京市铅的使用蓄积研究
Lead in Use Stock of Beijing in 2005
7.1 研究方法
7.1.1 研究对象的确定
7.1.2 自下而上(bonom—up)法
7.1.3 铅酸蓄电池的产品种类
7.1.4 铅酸电池使用量及其数据来源
7.1.5 单元铅酸电池含铅量
7.2 结果与讨论
7.2.1 蓄积量及其构成
7.2.2 与国外部分城市对比
7.2.3 结果的不确定性
7.3 结论
第8章 我国耗散型铅的使用现状及趋势分析
Tread Analysis on Dissipative Uses of Pb in China
8.1 概述
8.2 我国典型耗散型铅制品的现状及分析
8.2.1 使用状况
8.2.2 相关政策
8.2.3 相关标准
8.3 国外同类产品的现状及分析
8.3.1 国外使用状况
8.3.2 国外相关政策
8.3.3 国外相关标准
8.4 我国相关政策标准趋势分析
8.5 改善建议与展望
第二篇 人为迁移与转化
第三篇 外部效应与评估
第四篇 废铅管理与政策