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人文英语教程(第二版 学生用书)

人文英语教程(第二版 学生用书)

定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 邓红
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787544640152 出版时间: 2015-10-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 298 字数:  


  《人文英语教程(第二版 学生用书)》所选题材跨越古今、贯穿中外,涵盖古典传说、历史事件、名人传记、名作欣赏、社会热点等,集广泛性、典型性、趣味性和时代性于一体。新版增加中国文化元素,篇幅达四分之一,旨在提高大学生在多元文化背景下的跨文化沟通能力和用英语传播中国文化精髓的能力。练习注重多样性和启迪性,精心设计4大类、16种题型,将技能学习与知识面拓展、思维能力培养有机结合,既传授语言文化知识,又启发独立思考。


暂缺《人文英语教程(第二版 学生用书)》作者简介


Unit 1 Myths and Tales
Section A The Creation of the World
Section B Pandora's Box
Section C King Arthur and His Knights
Section D Great Yu Controlled the Flood
Unit 2 Moments in History
Section A Renaissance
Section B Early Settlements
Section C Normandy Landings
Section D Zhang Qian's Mission and the Silk Road
Unit 3 Biographies of Celebrities
Section A The Diamond on the Throne
Section B The Sound of Soul
Section C Michael Jordan, a Global Icon
Section D School Dropout to Nobel
Unit 4 Classics Appreciation
Section A The Declaration of Independence
Section B A Christmas Carol
Section C The Great Gatsby
Section D The Story of the Stone
Unit 5 Customs and Traditions
Section A Thanksgiving Day
Section B French Cuisine
Section C British Wedding
Section D Chinese Calligraphy
Unit 6 Cultural Geography
Section A The Ancient Riddle
Section B The Old Blue
Section C The Guardians of History
Section D The Chinese Treasure Trove
Unit 7 Panorama of Life
Section A Stanford at a Glance
Section B Magic Wearable Technology
Section C Singles' Day and E-commerce
Section D Chinese Calendar and Chronology
Unit 8 Global Focus
Section A The Kyoto Protocol and Global Warming
Section B GM Food: Monster or Saviour?
Section C How to Survive a Disaster
Section D A Hard Road Back to China
Appendix I
Unit/Section Titles and Chinese Idioms in This Course
Appendix II
