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定 价:¥68.00

作 者: 谢春涛
出版社: 新世界出版社
标 签: 政治 政治/军事 中国共产党


ISBN: 9787510455407 出版时间: 2016-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  






Chapter 1 Commitment to Improving Party Conduct, Upholding Integrity and Combating Corruption / 1 Judgment: The Fight against Corruption Remains a Serious and Complex Challenge / 4 Action: To Reduce Existing Cases and Curb Increasing Corruption / 13 Principle: Total Effort, Zero-Tolerance and Leaving No Stone Unturned / 21 Target: Dare Not, Cannot and Wish Not to Commit Acts of Corruption / 32   Chapter 2 Carrying Out the ‘Eight Rules’ / 51 Feasible Measures to Change the Style of Work / 54 The End of Banquets / 63 Mid-Autumn Festival with a Difference / 74 ‘We Can Get It Done’ / 84   Chapter 3 Zero Tolerance for Corruption: Catching Both ‘Flies’ and ‘Tigers’ / 97 Relentless Crackdown on ‘Tigers’ / 100 Sparing No Effort in Catching ‘Flies’ / 112 The Military Is Resolute in Combating Corruption / 124 Operation Fox Hunt a Success / 135   Chapter 4 Power Must Be ‘Caged’ by the System / 143 Abuse of Power / 146 ‘You Cannot Enclose Cats in an Ox Pen’ / 152 Strengthening Oversight of the ‘First Men in Command’ / 160 Restricting Power by Deepening Reform / 169 Sunshine Is the Best Disinfectant / 178 Achievements and Prospects / 193   Chapter 5 The CPC’s Discipline Inspection System: an Efficient Tool against Corruption / 201 Taking the mystery out of the CCDI / 204 Inspection Tours Pack a Powerful Anti-Corruption Punch / 210 Advancing Reform of the Discipline Inspection System / 226
