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环球英语3 发展篇

环球英语3 发展篇

定 价:¥68.00

作 者: (美)高明(Scott,A.Ingram),(美)Paul,Jacobs,(英)Taylor,Williamson, 等
出版社: 外文出版社
丛编项: 英语自学速成教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787119088815 出版时间: 2016-01-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 290 字数:  


  《英语自学速成教材:环球英语(3 发展篇)》针对具备初级偏上英语水平的学习者,只在掌握和运用比较复杂的语言结构、提高流利度。包括30个课文和两个阶段性测试。《英语自学速成教材:环球英语(3 发展篇)》配备了音频文件以及App,功能强大,学习者能更高效地学习英语。同时,高科技的学习设备方便学习者随时随地学英语。


暂缺《环球英语3 发展篇》作者简介


Unit 1 How are you doing?
Unit 2 What do you eat every day?
Unit 3 What's a healthy lifestyle?
Unit 4 You're never alone
Unit 5 I love you, Cathy
Unit 6 A church wedding
Unit 7 What's fashion?
Unit 8 Heal the world
Unit 9 Avatar
Unit 10 Shopping at Best Buy
Unit 11 Our college life
Unit 12 Experiences of growing up
Unit 13 Fashionable hobbies
Unit 14 Would you like a cigarette?
Unit 15 Merry Christmas to you!
Test for Units 1-15
Unit 16 Trick or treat!
Unit 17 Enjoy carnival
Unit 18 Being famous
Unit 19 Touring in philadelphia
Unit 20 We might have a ear accident
Unit 21 Do you speak American English or British English?
Unit 22 What's eating you?
Unit 23 Would you like a cup of coffee?
Unit 24 Do you often drink tea?
Unit 25 Here's to the Rockets!
Unit 26 Do you often shop online?
Unit 27 I like playing basketball
Unit 28 Are you watching the Super Bowl?
Unit 29 Did you watch the Olympic Games?
Unit 30 I journeyed to Brazil
Test for Units 16-30
Listening Scripts
Answer Key
