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GB 50393-2008 钢质石油储罐防腐蚀工程技术规范(英文版)

GB 50393-2008 钢质石油储罐防腐蚀工程技术规范(英文版)

定 价:¥500.00

作 者: 中国石油化工集团公司
出版社: 中国计划出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787518202720 出版时间: 2016-01-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  This Code is developed by Sinopec Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Corporatioicooperatiowith other organizations involved iscientific research, engineering, operatioand constructiobased othe requirements of Document JiaBiaoNo. 67 issued by Ministry of Constructio(MOC)-Notice oPrinting the Development and RevisioPlaof National Engineering ConstructioStandards i2004.Ipreparing this Code, the development team made extensive investigations and studies, summarized the practices oanti-corrosioengineering of oil tanks iresearch & development, engineering design, construction, operatioand maintenance ithe past 10 years iChina, referred to a huge number of specifications and informatioothe anti-corrosioengineering of oil tanks both at home and abroad, and reviewed and finalized this Code based oments from organizations involved iscientific research, engineering design, operation, constructioand anticorrosiomaterial manufacturing ipetroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries iChina.This Code prise 7 chapters and 7 appendixes, and mainly includes general provisions, terms, general requirements, engineering design, construction, missioning, constructioacceptance, operation, maintenance and testing, etc.The provisions printed ibold type are pulsory and must be enforced strictly. Ministry of Constructioof the People's Republic of China is icharge of administratioof this Code and explanatioof its pulsory provisions, and Sinopec Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Corporatiois tasked for explanatioof specific technical contents.


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