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定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 秦一琼
出版社: 华东理工大学出版社
标 签: 其他综合教程 外语 英语综合教程


ISBN: 9787562845331 出版时间: 2016-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 216 字数:  






Unit 1Career Management1 Text A: Career Management and Development / 3 Text B: How to Create Employee Loyalty / 8 Unit 2Marketing15 Text A: The 7Ps of Marketing / 17 Text B: Brand Rehab / 25 Unit 3Corporate Culture31 Text A: Corporate Culture: Cornerstone of Success / 33 Text B: Building a “Googley” Workforce / 39 Unit 4Competition45 Text A: Porters Five Forces Model: Analyzing the Competition / 47 Text B: Nike Through the Lens of Porters Five Forces / 54 Unit 5Merger and Acquisition61 Text A: Essence of Merger and Acquisition / 63 Text B: Why a YahooAOL Merger Makes Sense / 70 Unit 6Entrepreneurship77 Text A: Entrepreneurship: the Fundamentals / 79 Text B: Four Personality Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs / 84 Unit 7Innovation89 Text A: Innovation: Definition, Concepts and Examples / 91 Text B: Googles Prototype SelfDriving Car / 95 Unit 8Finance99 Text A: How Stocks Work / 101 Text B: Rate Cut Adding to Global Uncertainty / 106 Unit 9Accounting111 Text A: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Statement of Cash Flows / 113 Text B: Interim Report: Chairmans Letter / 118 Unit 10Economics123 Text A: GDP: the Definition / 125 Text B: IMF World Economic Outlook / 129 Unit 11International Trade133 Text A: Two Leading Debates in International Trade / 135 Text B: China Moves up the Exports Value Chain / 141 Unit 12ECommerce149 Text A: Electronic Commerce: into the Third Wave / 151 Text B: Understanding ECommerce Versus MCommerce / 156 Unit 13Quality161 Text A: Principles of Quality / 163 Text B: Quality Management for the Future / 167 Unit 14Operation173 Text A: Enterprise Resource Planning / 175 Text B: Beating the Supply Chain Challenge: Interview with SMTC Corporation / 180 Unit 15Globalization185 Text A: Understanding Your “Globalization Penalty” / 187 Text B: Walmarts Foreign Expansion / 192 Key to Exercises196
