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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术无线电电子学、电信技术脑机接口植入式微纳器件(英文版)



定 价:¥48.00

作 者: 李洪革
出版社: 北京航空航天大学出版社
标 签: 计算机/网络 硬件 外部设备 维修


ISBN: 9787512415225 出版时间: 2016-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 146 字数:  


  《脑机接口植入式微纳器件(英文版)》由李洪革 所*。本书讨论了基于CMOS微纳技术的神经信息处理和 集成化设计方法,重点围绕脑神经信息获取和未来的 脑-机交互问题谈论了其工作机理和关键核心技术。全书分别介绍了脑机交互的应用基础、脑电微弱信号 基础、微弱信号的采集方法、植入式微纳芯片的设计 、研制,以及体内获取信息与体外计算机的无线通信 机制等。全书特别对微弱信号的高效检测提出了创新 性的设计方案,为我国在该领域的发展提供理论和技 术支撑。




Chapter 1  Introduction
Chapter 2  Micropower biopotential readout circuits
  2.1  Abstract
  2.2  Low-noise bioamplifier with active feedback
  2.3  Micropower fully integrated CMOS readout circuit
  2.4  Low voltage switched-capacitor bioamplifier
  2.5  Summary
Chapter 3  Ultra-low power neural spike detector
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  Architecture of neural spike detector
  3.3  NEO architecture for neural spike detector
  3.4  Ultra-low power detector experiment results
  3.5  Summary
Chapter 4  An efficient hybrid neural network for spike sorting
  4.1  Introduction of ANN
  4.2  Experiment method of spike sorting
  4.3  Feature extraction of the spike sorting
  4.4  Experiments results of hybrid ANN
  4.5  Summary
Chapter 5  Implantable mixed-signal interface
  5.1  Abstract
  5.2  Compensability mixed-signal interface circuit
  5.3  Intraocular implantable retinal SoC
  5.4  Summary
Chapter 6  High reliability wireless neural recording microsystem
  6.1  Introduction
  6.2  High reliability system architecture
  6.3  Data receiver circuit of recording system
  6.4  Digital transmitter with BIST for recording system
  6.5  Wireless data transfer protocol
  6.6  System measure results
  6.7  Summary
Chapter 7  EMI susceptibility ASIC for biopotential
  7.1  Abstract
  7.2  Low-voltage CMOS bioamplifier with high EMI immunity
  7.3  Chaotic frequency modulation-based EMI hardened
  7.4  Summary
Chapter 8  Achievements and future work
