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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术动漫动漫学堂蔡志忠漫画中英文对照版:金刚经 心经-260字心经 四十二章经

蔡志忠漫画中英文对照版:金刚经 心经-260字心经 四十二章经

蔡志忠漫画中英文对照版:金刚经 心经-260字心经 四十二章经

定 价:¥49.80

作 者: 蔡志忠
出版社: 现代出版社
丛编项: 蔡志忠漫画中英文对照版
标 签: 蔡志忠 动漫/幽默 港台漫画


ISBN: 9787514343694 出版时间: 2016-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 400 字数:  






金刚经 Diamond Sutra............................................................................................1 法会因由分第一 Part I: The Origin of Puja................................................29 善现启请分第二 Part II: The Venerable Subhuti’s Request........................31 大乘正宗分第三 Part III: The Authentic Mahayana...................................34 妙行无住分第四 Part IV: Generosity to all.................................................37 如理实见分第五 Part V: About Insight and Awakening............................40 正信稀有分第六 Part VI: Cherishable Faith and Confidence......................42 无得无说分第七 Part VII: Void and True Dharma.....................................47 依法出生分第八 Part VIII: The Source of Dharmas...................................50 一相无相分第九 Part IX: The Ultimate Truth............................................53 庄严净土分第十 Part X: The Serene Pure Land.........................................58 无为福胜分第十一 Part XI: Happiness of Wisdom....................................61 尊重正教分第十二 Part XII: Due Respect to the Orthodox.......................64 如法受持分第十三 Part XIII: How to Follow the Sutra.............................66 离相寂灭分第十四 Part XIV: No Forms Needed........................................71 持经功德分第十五 Part XV: Merits and Virtues from Practice................82 能净业障分第十六 Part VXI: Past Misdeeds Eradicated...........................87 究竟无我分第十七 Part XVII: Buddhahood and No-self............................90 一体同观分第十八 Part XVIII: The One and Same Dharma.....................98 法界通化分第十九 Part XIX: Immeasurable Happiness..........................102 离色离相分第二十 Part XX: Free from Tangible Forms..........................104 非说所非分第二十一 Part XXI: Indescribable Dharma...........................106 无法可得分第二十二 Part XXII: Unattainable Buddharma....................108 净心行善分第二十三 Part XXIII: A Pure Mind for Wholesome Actions..........................................................................................................110 福智无比分第二十四 Part XXIV: Unmatchable Merits and Happiness.113 化无所化分第二十五 Part XXV: No One to be Liberated.......................115 法身非相分第二十六 Part XXVI: No Confusion about Signs................118 无断无灭分第二十七 Part XXVII: No Absolute Emptiness....................121 不受不贪分第二十八 Part XXVIII: True Selflessness.............................123 威仪灭静分第二十九 Part XXIX: No Magnificence................................125 一合理相分第三十 Part XXX: The Ultimate Emptiness..........................126 知见不生分第三十一 Part XXXI: A Right Understanding of all Dharmas.....129 应化非真分第三十二 Part XXXII: The Real Truth.................................132 跋:人生是时间的微积分 Postscript: Life is Calculus of Time..............135 心经 Heart Sutra...................................................................................................143 《漫画心经》序 Preface to the cartoon.....................................................152 色与受想行识 Form, Feeling, Thought, Behavior and Consciousness.......154 空 Emptiness..................................................................................................160 色与空 Form and Emptiness........................................................................164 心经本文 Original Text of Heart Sutra.......................................................169 心经的故事 Stories about Heart Sutra.......................................................185 跋:用心若镜 Postscript: Be a mirror........................................................275 260字心经 260-character Heart Sutra..............................................................280 四十二章经 Sutra in Forty-two Sections.........................................................307 楔子 Introduction..........................................................................................315 第一章 出家证果 Section 1 Leaving Home and Becoming an Arhat..317 第二章 断欲绝求 Section 2 Eliminating Desire and Ending Seeking...319 第三章 割爱去贪 Section 3 Severing Love and Renouncing Greed....321 第四章 善恶并明 Section 4 Clarifying Good and Evil........................323 第五章 转重令轻 Section 5 Reducing the Severity of Wrongdoings..325 第六章 忍恶无嗔 Section 6 Tolerating Evil-doers and Avoiding Hatred......327 第七章 恶还本身 Section 7 Evil Returns to the Doer.........................328 第八章 尘唾自污 Section 8 Abusing Others Defiles Oneself..............330 第九章 返本会道 Section 9 By Returning to the Source, You Find the Path......332 第十章 喜施获福 Section 10 Willing Generosity Brings Blessings....333 第十一章 施饭转胜 Section 11 The Increase in Merits Gained by Bestowing Food....335 第十二章 举难劝修 Section 12 A List of Difficulties and an Exhortation to Cultivate.....338 第十三章 问道宿命 Section 13 Questions about the Path and Past Lives...341 第十四章 请问善大 Section 14 Asking about Goodness.....................343 第十五章 请问力明 Section 15 Asking about Strength and Wisdom.....344 第十六章 舍爱得道 Section 16 Casting Aside Love and Finding the Path......346 第十七章 明来暗谢 Section 17 When Light Arrives, Darkness Retreats....348 第十八章 念等本空 Section 18 Thoughts and So Forth Are Basically Empty......349 第十九章 假真并观 Section 19 Observing both the False and the True....352 第二十章 推我本空 Section 20 Realize that the Self Is Truly Empty...354 第二十一章 名声丧本 Section 21 Fame Destroys Life Roots.............355 第二十二章 财色招苦 Section 22 Wealth and Sex Cause Suffering..357 第二十三章 妻子甚狱 Section 23 A Family Is Worse than a Prison.358 第二十四章 色欲障道 Section 24 Sexual Desire Obstructs the Path....360 第二十五章 欲火烧身 Section 25 The Fire of Desire Burns..............361 第二十六章 天魔娆佛 Section 26 Demons from the Heaven Try to Tempt the Buddha....362 第二十七章 无著得道 Section 27 One Finds the Path by Letting Go of Attachments.....364 第二十八章 意马莫纵 Section 28 Don’t Indulge the Wild Mind......366 第二十九章 正观敌色 Section 29 Proper Contemplation Counteracts Sexual Desire.....367 第三十章 欲火远离 Section 30 Stay Far Away from the Fire of Desire....369 第三十一章 心寂欲除 Section 31 When the Mind Is Still, Desire Is Eliminated........370 第三十二章 我空怖灭 Section 32 Emptying out the Self Quells Fear...372 第三十三章 智明破魔 Section 33 Wisdom and Clarity Defeat the Demons........373 第三十四章 处中得道 Section 34 By Staying in the Middle, One Finds the Way.......375 第三十五章 垢净明存 Section 35 When One Is Purified of Defilements, the Brilliance Remains..........378 第三十六章 辗转获胜 Section 36 The Sequence that Leads to Success............379 第三十七章 念戒近道 Section 37 Staying Mindful of Moral Precepts Brings Us Close to the Path...........................................................382 第三十八章 生即有灭 Section 38 Birth Leads to Death....................384 第三十九章 教诲无差 Section 39 The Buddha’s Instructions Are Not Biased...........387 第四十章 行道在心 Section 40 The Path Is Followed in the Mind....388 第四十一章 直心出欲 Section 41 A Straight Mind Gets Rid of Desire............389 第四十二章 达世如幻 Section 42 Understanding that the World Is Illusory........391
