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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术艺术建筑艺术营造:中国手工艺



定 价:¥65.00

作 者: 安沛君,杨瑞
出版社: 大象出版社
标 签: 建筑 建筑艺术


ISBN: 9787534780349 出版时间: 2016-04-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  This book is composed mainly by two parts.The first part, chapter one to chapter eight, makesa brief introduction to different type of traditionalChinese architecture such as city, residence, pal-ace, Buddhism temple, garden and bridge; Thesecond part, chapter nine to chapter sixteen, ex-plains how traditional Chinese craftsmen work.By reading the first part, you can catch aglimpse of those great cities, splendid palaces,variety residence, solemn temples and elegantgardens. The second part mainly concerns somespecific construction craft. The traditional Chi-nese construction craft includes wood work,brick work, clay work, color-painting worketc. Each of them has unique skill and experi-ence which has been transferred from ancient topresent through mentorship. Because of specif-ic ancient Chinese society, most of those skilland experience could not be recorded on booksso the mentorship is the only way to keep them.Although this book describes some of those skilland experience, it can not reach even a tip of theiceberg!As authors of this book, we are not intendingto provide an instruction book for readers and tomake them become skillful craftsmen or crafts-women. We actually treat the craft history as apart of whole human history so that this specificview point could make us know something moreabout how ancient people do, how they build,how they live and hence we could know moreabout ourselves.《营造/中国手工艺》由安沛君、杨瑞著。




第一章 中国传统建筑概览 1.对院落空间的纯熟运用 2.木结构为主 3.中国古建筑的灵魂——斗拱 4.“墙倒屋不塌”之妙 5.等级制度 6.世界领先水平的建筑控制体系 7.注重风水 第二章 城市规制和营建 1.隋大兴城(唐长安城) 2.北宋东京 3.元大都 4.明清北京城 第三章 民居 1.合院式民居 2.江南民居 3.徽州民居 4.井干式民居 5.窑洞 6.蒙古包(毡包) 7.干栏式建筑 8.侗寨 9.藏族碉楼 10.客家土楼 11.广东开平碉楼 12.上海石库门 第四章 宫殿建筑 1.大明宫 2.北京紫禁城 第五章宗教建筑 1.山西五台山佛光寺东大殿 2.山西五台山南禅寺大殿 3.河北正定隆兴寺摩尼殿 4.独乐寺观音阁及山门 5.塔幢 第六章祭祀建筑 1.明堂 2.北京天坛 第七章 园林建筑 1.清代皇家园林 2.文人园林 第八章桥梁 1.木拱桥 2.廊桥 3.石桥 4.铁索桥 第九章 木结构建筑及其营造技术 1.传统木构建筑的结构形制 2.传统木构建筑的屋顶 3.大木作与小木作的构件 4.木构架的制作 5.传统建筑大木作工艺 6.斗拱 第十章 传统建筑的瓦作技术与工艺 1.瓦屋的诞生 2.瓦当 3.流光溢彩的琉璃瓦 4.制瓦 5.瓦屋顶的几种形式 6.砖的发展概说 7.砖砌施工的主要内容 8.瓦作工具 第十一章石作 1.概述 2.传统建筑的石作工艺 3.石料种类及挑选方法 4.石料的加工与安装 5.石料加工的常用工具 第十二章土作 1.概述 2.从“无模夯土”到“绳索悬版” 3.灰土及其做法 4.土墙 5.土作常用工具 6.土作中的特殊手法 第十三章 建筑物的装修 1.概述 2.门 3.隔扇 4.窗 5.栏杆、楣子 6.天花、藻井、卷棚 第十四章 建筑物的装饰 1.彩画 2.油饰 3.雕刻 4.中国传统家具制作工艺 第十五章 独具特色的中国传统建筑营造技艺 1.侗族木构建筑 2.客家土楼营造技艺 3.苏州香山帮传统建筑营造技艺 4.建筑世家样式雷 5.《鲁班经》与中国传统木工厌胜 结语 参考文献
