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新东方 AP美国历史5分制胜

新东方 AP美国历史5分制胜

定 价:¥75.00

作 者: (美)Daniel P.Murphy,(美)Stephen Armstrong
出版社: 西安交通大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787560584904 出版时间: 2016-06-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 432 字数:  




  Daniel P. Murphy,资深AP教学与考试专家,拥有多年AP美国历史教学经验,熟知AP考试特点,目前于印第安纳州汉诺威学院教授美国历史课程。Stephen Armstrong,资深AP教学与考试专家,拥有多年AP美国历史教学经验,熟知AP考试特点,目前于康涅狄格州担任社会学辅导员。


STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program
Chapter 1   What You Need to Know About the AP U.S. History Exam 3
Chapter 2   Preparing for the AP U.S. History Exam 8
STEP 2 Determine Your Test Readiness
Chapter 3   Take a Diagnostic Exam 17
STEP 3 Develop Strategies for Success
Chapter 4 Mastering Skills and Understanding Themes for the New Exam 47
Chapter 5 Strategies for Approaching Each Question Type 52
STEP 4 Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High
Chapter 6 Settling of the Western Hemisphere (1491–1607) 63
Chapter 7 Colonial America (1607–1650) 68
Chapter 8 British Empire in America: Growth and Conflict (1650–1750) 74
Chapter 9 Resistance, Rebellion, and Revolution (1750–1775) 82
Chapter 10 American Revolution and the New Nation (1775–1787) 90
Chapter 11 Establishment of New Political Systems (1787–1800) 99
Chapter 12 Jeffersonian Revolution (1800–1820) 108
Chapter 13 Rise of Manufacturing and the Age of Jackson (1820–1845) 117
Chapter 14 Union Expanded and Challenged (1835–1860) 126
Chapter 15 Union Divided: The Civil War (1861–1865) 137
Chapter 16 Era of Reconstruction (1865–1877) 146
Chapter 17 Western Expansion and Its Impact on the
American Character (1860–1895) 154
Chapter 18 America Transformed into the Industrial Giant
of the World (1870–1910) 164
Chapter 19 Rise of American Imperialism (1890–1913) 178
Chapter 20 Progressive Era (1895–1914) 188
Chapter 21 United States and World War I (1914–1921) 198
Chapter 22 Beginning of Modern America: The 1920s 208
Chapter 23 Great Depression and the New Deal (1929–1939) 220
Chapter 24 World War II (1933–1945) 234
Chapter 26 Prosperity and Anxiety: The 1950s 261
Chapter 27 America in an Era of Turmoil (1960–1975) 270
Chapter 28 Decline and Rebirth (1968–1988) 282
Chapter 29 Prosperity and a New World Order (1988–2000) 294
Chapter 30 Threat of Terrorism, Increase of Presidential Power, and
Chapter 31 Contemporary America: Evaluating the “Big Themes” 312
STEP 5 Build Your Test-Taking Confidence
AP U.S. History Practice Exam 1 321
AP U.S. History Practice Exam 2 349
