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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语商务英语思辨系列之批判性思维指导



定 价:¥9.90

作 者: (美)琳达·埃尔德(Linda,Elder),理查德·保罗(Richard,Paul)
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 新经典高等学校英语专业系列教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787513575348 出版时间: 2016-06-01 包装:
开本: 32开 页数: 64 字数:  




  Linda Elder:教育心理学专家、思辨研究专家,在美国多所大学任教,主要教授课程为教育心理学、思辨能力培养;思辨研究协会会长、思辨中心执行主任。Richard Paul:思辨研究专家,国际思辨研究运动主要负责人,已发表200余篇与思辨研究相关的论文、出版25部论述思辨研究的著作。


Introduction for Teachers and Students..........i\n
There are Three Main Kinds of Thinkers..........1\n
The Fairminded Critical Thinker..........2\n
The Selfish Critical Thinker..........3\n
The Na?ve Thinker..........4\n
Developing Intellectual Character..........5\n
How to Become a Fairminded Critical Thinker..........6\n
Intellectual Standards Help You Think Better..........9\n
Be Clear: Don’t Confuse People..........10\n
Be Accurate: Make Sure It’s True..........11\n
Be Relevant: Make Sure You Stay on Track..........12\n
Be Logical: Make Sure Everything Fits Together..........13\n
Be Fair: Make Sure You Consider Others..........14\n
Some Important Intellectual Standards..........15\n
A Checklist of Questions You Can Ask to Target\n
Intellectual Standards..........16\n
Think About Fairness..........17\n
Journal Entry Focusing on Unfair Thinking and Behavior..........18\n
We Take Our Thinking Apart to Find Problems in Our Thinking — and Solve Them..........19\n
Think About Purpose..........20\n
State the Question..........21\n
Gather the Information..........22\n
Check Your Inferences..........23\n
Question Your Assumptions..........24\n
Clarify Your Concepts..........25\n
Understand Your Point of View..........26\n
Think Through the Implications..........27\n
Clarifying Inferences and Assumptions 28\n
Finding Your Inferences and Assumptions..........30\n
Critical Thinkers Seek Better Ways of Doing Things..........32\n
Strategies for Using the Parts of Thinking..........33\n
Analyzing Problems..........33\n
Analyzing Characters in a Story..........35\n
Analyzing Chapters in a Textbook..........37\n
Analyzing Experiments..........39\n
Analyzing the Data Collected (After Experiments)..........40\n
Analyzing Subjects or Disciplines..........41\n
Asking Questions in Class Which Target the Parts of Thinking..........42\n
Strategies for Clarifying and Understanding Important Ideas:\n
Clarifying Your Own Ideas, Clarifying What O
