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1分钟说英语 套公式!轻松说口语

1分钟说英语 套公式!轻松说口语

定 价:¥39.90

作 者: 朱飞 王小红 编著
出版社: 中国水利水电出版社
标 签: 口语/生活实用英语 社交/生活口语 外语


ISBN: 9787517042310 出版时间: 2016-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 320 字数:  


  套公式快学老外每天都会用到的常用口语,让你不用思考,立刻脱口而出!本书将老外日常生活中常说的口语句子进行了整理归纳,总结出200个规则公式,并对这些公式进行了详细的解析,每个公式还设有例句展示和实境会话,让读者身临其境感受和掌握公式的用法。不仅如此,我们还为每个公式添加了近义公式,让读者的知识得以延伸和扩展,总之,这是一本系统化、高效的口语书,一本《1分钟说英语 套公式!轻松说口语》让你套着公式就能轻松搞定英语口语!想快速学口语的你一起来吧!音频获取方式:1.扫书中所附二维码即扫即听;2.登录http://www.waterpub.com.cn/softdown/搜索书名关键字免费下载


暂缺《1分钟说英语 套公式!轻松说口语》作者简介


Part 1 顺畅表达,直接套公式! Unit 1 get 公式,简单又常用 I don't get... ....................................2 I'll go get... ......................................3 I got you... .......................................5 I've got a problem with... ................6 How did you get...to...? ...................8 ...is getting nowhere... ....................9 Unit 2 say 和 talk,想说轻松说 Are you saying (that)...? .................11 All I'm saying is... ............................12 I have to say... .................................14 Let's say... .......................................15 Let's just say... ................................16 It's/That's like saying... ...................18 ...to say the least ............................19 ...talk(s) about how...  ..................20 Unit 3 tell 不止告诉,含义很多 Please tell me (that)... ....................22 Don't tell me (that)... ......................23 ...tells me (that)...?! ........................25 I'm telling you, ... ............................26 (I'll) tell you what, ... .......................27 I can tell... .......................................28 You can never tell... ........................30 Unit 4 系动词 be,用法多 I'm good with... ................................32 I'm not cut out for/to... ....................34 I'm in the middle of... .......................36 It's a shame (that)... .........................37 Unit 5 know 是知道,可以这样用 I don't know anything about... .........39 I know..., but... ..................................41 I don't know how... ............................42 You don't even know... ......................44 I don't know about you, but... ...........45 You knew full well... ..........................46 Knowing... .........................................48 ...before you know it. ........................49 Unit 6 gonna & wanna口语常用,挺好记 Unit 7 think 表示想,用法不一 Unit 8 see & look 同是看,意思有区别 Unit 9 guess & suppose,差别要分清   Part 2 想你所想,畅所欲言! Unit 10 歉意、感激,时常挂嘴边 I'm sorry, but... ................................91 Thanks to... .....................................92 I wanted to apologize for... ..............94 I'd appreciate it if you could... .........95 I feel sorry for... ...............................97 You'll be sorry... ...............................99 Unit 11 表明意见,方式多样 I don't like the way... .......................101 I've had it with... ..............................102 You're the one who... ......................104 You can't (just)... .............................105 You could at least... ........................107 There is no excuse for... .................108 You of all people... ..........................110 I hate to say this, but... ...................111 Unit 12 确不确定,这样说就行 Unit 13 多种意愿,随意表达 Unit 14 各种情感,随你抒发 Unit 15 征求建议,轻松说出口   Part 3 表达疑问,套着公式说! Unit 16 what 常见,记着也简单 Unit 17 how 除了方式,另有含义 Unit 18 who & which & why,学起来并不难 Unit 19 when & where,时间地点分清楚   Part 4 情态动词,套着公式更好学! Unit 20 should 是否应该,要区分 Unit 21 can & could,能和能也不同 Unit 22 will & would,不要混淆过去和现在 Unit 23 may & might & must etc,都表示推测   Part 5 说明想法,套上公式就OK! Unit 24 not & no 有差异,分清很重要 Unit 25 各种 that 从句,轻松掌握 Unit 26 阐述观点,其实挺简单 Unit 27 假设和推测,说法不同   Part 6 感情表达,套用公式更容易! Unit 28 打扰他人,要有礼貌 Unit 29 不喜欢,就这样说
