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定 价:¥49.00

作 者: 张喆森,李光华
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 美国名校入学考试指导系列
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787302439509 出版时间: 2016-07-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 420 字数:  


  2016年 SAT考试对于中国考生来讲将是一个重要的挑战,如何准确地理解和掌握新版SAT是中国学生的关键问题。本书根据中国学生的文化背景以及SAT学习环境,精心编写了10套模拟试题,这10套试题会在测试学生的SAT考试成绩、知识缺陷及答题技巧方面提供准确的帮助。毋庸置疑,本书必将对学生的新版SAT学习及老师的新版SAT教学起到巨大的指导作用。


  张喆森,作家,著有喜剧The Kapellmeister of Brandenburg(《勃兰登堡的乐长》),2013年被美国名校芝加哥大学录取,International Baccalaureate (IB)的优秀毕业生。常春藤100教育(IVY100 Education)的写作培训专家, SAT英文教学专家。李光华,中国复旦大学理学学士和硕士,美国名校西北大学理学博士,标准化考试培训专家。拥有多年丰富的数学竞赛以及SAT、SAT II、AP、IELTS、TOEFL、GRE、GMAT等标准化考试的授课经验,在中国和国际刊物上发表学术论文及会议论文数十篇,培训成功的学生遍及美国各大名校,现任常春藤100教育集团数理中心主任。


CONTENTSSAT Practice Test 15Reading Test(65 MINUTES, 52 QUESTIONS)7Writing and Language Test(35 MINUTES, 44 QUESTIONS)19Math Test—No Calculator(25 MINUTES, 20 QUESTIONS)25Math Test—Calculator(55 MINUTES, 38 QUESTIONS)29SAT Practice Test 239Reading Test(65 MINUTES, 52 QUESTIONS)41Writing and Language Test(35 MINUTES, 44 QUESTIONS)52Math Test—No Calculator(25 MINUTES, 20 QUESTIONS)59Math Test—Calculator(55 MINUTES, 38 QUESTIONS)63SAT Practice Test 373Reading Test(65 MINUTES, 52 QUESTIONS)75Writing and Language Test(35 MINUTES, 44 QUESTIONS)86Math Test—No Calculator(25 MINUTES, 20 QUESTIONS)93Math Test—Calculator(55 MINUTES, 38 QUESTIONS)97SAT Practice Test 4107Reading Test(65 MINUTES, 52 QUESTIONS)109Writing and Language Test(35 MINUTES, 44 QUESTIONS)120Math Test—No Calculator(25 MINUTES, 20 QUESTIONS)127Math Test—Calculator(55 MINUTES, 38 QUESTIONS)131SAT Practice Test 5141Reading Test(65 MINUTES, 52 QUESTIONS)143Writing and Language Test(35 MINUTES, 44 QUESTIONS)154Math Test—No Calculator(25 MINUTES, 20 QUESTIONS)160Math Test—Calculator(55 MINUTES, 38 QUESTIONS)164SAT Practice Test 6173Reading Test(65 MINUTES, 52 QUESTIONS)175Writing and Language Test(35 MINUTES, 44 QUESTIONS)185Math Test—No Calculator(25 MINUTES, 20 QUESTIONS)191Math Test—Calculator(55 MINUTES, 38 QUESTIONS)195SAT Practice Test 7205Reading Test(65 MINUTES, 52 QUESTIONS)207Writing and Language Test(35 MINUTES, 44 QUESTIONS)218Math Test—No Calculator(25 MINUTES, 20 QUESTIONS)224Math Test—Calculator(55 MINUTES, 38 QUESTIONS)228SAT Practice Test 8237Reading Test(65 MINUTES, 52 QUESTIONS)239Writing and Language Test(35 MINUTES, 44 QUESTIONS)249Math Test—No Calculator(25 MINUTES, 20 QUESTIONS)255Math Test—Calculator(55 MINUTES, 38 QUESTIONS)259SAT Practice Test 9269Reading Test(65 MINUTES, 52 QUESTIONS)271Writing and Language Test(35 MINUTES, 44 QUESTIONS)281Math Test—No Calculator(25 MINUTES, 20 QUESTIONS)288Math Test—Calculator(55 MINUTES, 38 QUESTIONS)292SAT Practice Test 10301Reading Test(65 MINUTES, 52 QUESTIONS)303Writing and Language Test(35 MINUTES, 44 QUESTIONS)314Math Test—No Calculator(25 MINUTES, 20 QUESTIONS)321Math Test—Calculator(55 MINUTES, 38 QUESTIONS)325新SAT全真模拟试题集NEW SAT Practice TestsAnswer Explanations  SAT Practice331Answer Explanations SAT Practice Test 1333Answer Explanations SAT Practice Test 2341Answer Explanations SAT Practice Test 3349Answer Explanations SAT Practice Test 4357Answer Explanations SAT Practice Test 5366Answer Explanations SAT Practice Test 6374Answer Explanations SAT Practice Test 7382Answer Explanations SAT Practice Test 8389Answer Explanations SAT Practice Test 9396Answer Explanations SAT Practice Test 10403
