本书简介中国的节日。节日是中华民族精神和情感的重要载体。节日文化深深扎根于民众之中,具有强盛鲜活的生命力,历经岁月的变迁,逐渐成为中华民族灿烂文化的一份珍贵遗产。一些重大的传统节日,尤其是春节、清明节、端午节、中秋节等,仍在民间广泛沿袭。中国的法定节日有元旦、“三八”妇女节、植树节、“五一”国际劳动节、“五四”青年节、“六一”国际儿童节、“八一”建军节、教师节、国庆节等。中国民族众多,各少数民族年节习俗丰富多彩,如藏族的藏历新年、“雪顿节”,维吾尔等族的“开斋节”、“古尔邦节”,蒙古族的“那达慕大会”,傣族的“泼水节”,彝族的“火把节”等。Festivals are the carrier of the national soul and sentiment o f the Chinese people, and are also the essence of the national affinity and cohesion. The culture of festivals roots deeply in the people, and it thus shows its enormous vitality. In spite of the change of times, it has gradually become part of the heritages of the colorful Chinese culture. Some important ones, the four major festivals (the Spring Festival, Pure Brightness Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid- Autumn Festival) in particular, are still widely celebrated among people. China's statutory festivals and memorial days include New Year's Day, Women's Day, Tree-planting Day, Labor Day, Youth Day, Children's Day, Army's Day, Teachers' Day and National Day, and etc. Minority people in China boast various festivals and almost every nationality has her own major festivals. Typical examples are the Tibetan New Year Festival, Water-Splashing Festival for Dai people, and Torch Festival for Yi People, the Singing Carnival for Zhuang people and Nadam Fair for Mongolian people.