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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语其他英语考试大学英语四级美文晨读120篇(纯正美音版 第二版)

大学英语四级美文晨读120篇(纯正美音版 第二版)

大学英语四级美文晨读120篇(纯正美音版 第二版)

定 价:¥36.00

作 者: 宋平明
出版社: 中国铁道出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787113217532 出版时间: 2016-10-01 包装:
开本: 32开 页数: 字数:  






Part One环球人物
Unit 1/00Chinas New First Lady中国新任第一夫人
Unit 2/00Lady Margaret Thatcher撒切尔夫人
Unit 3/00An Unusual ArchitectureIeoh
Ming Pei非凡的建筑师——贝聿铭
Unit 4/0Fords Assembly Line亨利·福特和流水线
Unit 5/0A Book Shows Putin At His Best一本全面展现普京的书
Unit 6/0Stephen. W. Hawking史蒂芬·威廉·霍金
Unit 7/0President Barack Obamas
Inaugural Address奥巴马总统就职演讲
Unit 8/0Steve Jobs史蒂夫·乔布斯
Unit 9/0Remarks By President Bush On The
Loss Of Space Shuttle Columbia布什总统就“哥伦比亚”号失事
Unit 10/0The Beauty Ukraine Former PM乌克兰前美女总理
Unit 11/0An Impressionist—Vincent
Van Gogh印象派大师文森特·凡高
Unit 12/0London Designers Hail
"Elegant" Kate Middleton凯特王妃成新时尚女王——
Unit 13/0When Love Was The Adventure爱德华与辛普森夫人——
Unit 14/0Freuds Discovery弗洛伊德的发现
Unit 15/0Frank Foley拯救犹太人的弗兰克· 福利
Unit 16/0For Blooming In Wards—
Unit 17/0Gettysburg Address葛底斯堡演说
Unit 18/0The Big Yao姚明
Unit 19/0Andersens Tales安徒生童话
Unit 20/0Andrew Carnegie安德鲁·卡内基
Unit 21/0A Blind Womans Vision海伦·凯勒——奋斗的人
Unit 22/0U.S. Navy Seals Unveiled揭秘美国海豹突击队
Unit 23/0A Millionaire Soccer Star
From Slum贫民窟的百万球星
Unit 24/0Marilyn Monroe: Candle In
The Wind玛丽莲·梦露:风中之烛
Unit 25/0The Making of Isaac Newton牛顿+苹果=万有引力
Unit 26/0She Is A Legend女中传奇
Unit 27/0Remembering Diana追忆戴安娜
Unit 28/0Ronaldo, King Of The World世界球王——罗纳尔多
Unit 29/See China In The Light
Of Her Development用发展的眼光看中国
Part Two科技前沿
Unit 1/The Man On The Moon?登月骗局?
Unit 2/Does Avatar Make You
Unit 3/Favorite Punctuation Mark Hints
Your Character标点符号暗藏的性格秘密
Unit 4/Soy For Women, Fish For Men女性多吃豆类,男性
Unit 5/A Magical Glow神奇的发光色彩
Unit 6/Beware Of Text Neck当心短信脖
Unit 7/For A Good Marriage,Travel The
Same Way To Work分享梦想与雄心有助于营造
Unit 8/Here! Boy嘿,看这!
Unit 9/Mars Perhaps Too Salty For Life火星上水太咸,可能无生命
Unit 10/Music And Verbal Memory音乐和非文字记忆
Unit 11/When Continents Collide:
The History Of Our Planet大陆相撞:我们星球的历史
Unit 12/Loneliness Is Contagious寂寞会传染
Unit 13/Mona Lisas Mysterious Smile蒙娜丽莎的神秘微笑
Unit 14/Ten Reasons To Keep Smiling保持微笑的十大理由
Unit 15/Rosecolored Glasses In
Unit 16/What The Label On Wine
Bottle Tell You解读葡萄酒瓶上的标签
Unit 17/Beware 1stClass Travelers:
Safer To Sit In Rear Of Plane坠机测试:头等舱最危险,
Unit 18/How To Swat A Fly如何打苍蝇
Part Three职场人生
Unit 1/Ways To Deal With Haters In
Unit 2/The Art Of Managing Your Life你真的有想象中那么忙吗
Unit 3/Chances Exist In The Daily
Unit 4/The Missed Blessings错过的祝福
Unit 5/Think Positive Thoughts
Every Day积极看待每一天
Unit 6/Sexes Equal In Education,
Women Lack Power女性在政界仍落后于男性
Unit 7/British Fundraiser Wins "Best
Job In The World"英国慈善义工获“世界
Unit 8/Women Approaching 30 Prefer
Marriage To Careers30岁的女性婚姻重于事业
Unit 9/On Achieving Success关于获得成功
Unit 10/When Face Work Stress要学会利用工作上的压力

Unit 11/Nearly Half Of Britons Suffer
Unit 12/Tactics For JobHunt Success如何找到理想的工作
Unit 13/How Important Is Your
Popularity In Office办公室人缘有多重要
Unit 14/Being Yourself At Work Is Not
Good For Your Career展现真我不利职场发展
Unit 15/The Bag Makes The Woman职业女性应该怎样选择手袋
Unit 16/Like Father,Like Daughter就业新趋势:女承父业
Part Four生活百态
Unit 1/“The Butterfly Effect” In
Your Life人生中的“蝴蝶效应”
Unit 2/The Kite Runner追风筝的人
Unit 3/The Meaning Of FAMILY家=爸爸妈妈,我爱你们!
Unit 4/Free To Soar自由与约束——在平衡中攀升
Unit 5/Today Is A Present 学会幸福的生活在当下
Unit 6/The Ugly Side Of Miss Chongqing 重庆选美比赛成选丑
Unit 7/Love What You Do And Do
What You Love爱你所做,做你所爱
Unit 8/Half The Planet Could Be Hit
By Food Crisis By 2100全球一半人口到2100年
Unit 9/A Dad’s Letter to His Daughter父亲给宝贝女儿的一封信
Unit 10/Bad Things Come In Small
Unit 11/Short People Are Most
Prone To Jealousy个子越矮,嫉妒心越强
Unit 12/Not Getting Enough Sleep
Makes You Fat睡眠不足可导致发胖
Unit 13/Can Happiness Be Bought?钱可以买到幸福吗?
Unit 14/Online Love Is Often
Blind and Brief网恋盲目而不长久
Unit 15/Men Make Women Gain Weight爱情影响女性体重变化
Unit 16/Big Maconomics: How
McDonalds Explains
The World“巨无霸汉堡”经济学:麦当劳
Unit 17/Different Exercise Affects
Appetite Differently不同锻炼方式对食欲
Unit 18/About The Film关于电影
Part Five环境健康
Unit 1/Understanding Anxiety Disorders“躁”化弄人
Unit 2/A Cool Sunburn寒冷的晒伤
Unit 3/Obesity Is Contagious肥胖也会传染
Unit 4/Sleep On, Sneeze Not睡觉的时候不会打喷嚏
Unit 5/Supertasters Beware  品尝师们要注意啦
Unit 6/The Mathematics Of MiddleAge
Unit 7/Whats The Best Way To Help
Kids Lose Weight?帮助孩子减肥的最佳方法
Unit 8/Fat Fighting Is Part Of The
Apples Peel苹果连皮吃有助减肥
Unit 9/Dark Chocolate Helps
You Keep Fit?黑巧克力有助于健康?
Unit 10/Speedy Eaters Seen Likelier
To Get Fat吃饭太快太饱易肥胖
Unit 11/A Question Of Trust In The
Organic Food Wars有机食品面临信任危机
Unit 12/Recession Harms Fertility经济危机影响男性性激素水平
Unit 13/How Certain Vegetables
Combat Cancer卷心菜可防癌
Unit 14 /Divorce Can Add Years To A
Persons Face离婚会让人的容颜变老
Unit 15/Anger Really Can Kill You生气要有度,否则真会被气死
Unit 16/Late Childbearing May Mean
Longer Family Lifespan 晚育家族普遍长寿
Unit 17/Mystery:Optimists Live Longer,
Enjoy Better Health为何乐观者更健康长寿
Unit 18/Smoking Hurts Mind As
Well As Body吸烟既损害身体又损害大脑
Unit 19/Youve Got A Lot Of Space
Between Your Ears身体中的大量空隙
Unit 20/Giving Your Eyes Regular Rests警惕电脑眼综合症:给你的
Unit 21/The Ancestry Of Snakes蛇的祖先
Unit 22/Virgos Health Habits处女座的健康和饮食
Unit 23/Why Do Stars Twinkle 为何星星会闪烁
Unit 24/Why Does Altitude Cause
Headache 为什么高海拔会引起头痛
Unit 25 /Tornados—Natures Ultimate
Unit 26/Fourlegged Biosensors Sniff
Out Bird Flu动物能帮人类抗击禽流感
Unit 27/Why The Sky Is Not Blue为何天空不是统一的蓝色
Unit 28/A Dog Could Be A Babys
Best Friend狗可能是婴儿最好的朋友
Unit 29/What Will We Look Like In
1000 Years Later?1000年后人类模样预测:
Unit 30/Fossilized Skeletons From
Australopithecus Sediba南方古猿人化石
Unit 31/The Special Fairytale
Unit 32/Aliens Ianding In Siberia?西伯利亚疑现外星人
Unit 33/The Dead Sea地球表面最低点——死海
Unit 34/Stars, Bulbs, And Light
Unit 35/Stingers Of The Sea海中“刺”客──水母
Unit 36/For The Love Of Chocolate浓情巧克力
Unit 37/Wake Up And Smell The
Unit 38/People Taking Stairs Expected
To Live Longer上下班走楼梯有益于
Unit 39/EU Warns Youth: Turn Your
MP3 Players Down! MP3成青少年听觉杀手
