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大学英语四级美文夜读120篇(纯正美音版 第二版)

大学英语四级美文夜读120篇(纯正美音版 第二版)

定 价:¥36.00

作 者: 宋平明
出版社: 中国铁道出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787113217549 出版时间: 2016-10-01 包装:
开本: 32开 页数: 字数:  






Part One成长教育
Unit 1/00Excellence Is Not An Act,
But A Habit卓越仅仅是一个习惯
Unit 2/00Rich Dad, Poor Dad富爸爸,穷爸爸
Unit 3/00Healthy Diet Means Better School
Performance孩子饮食健康 学习成绩优异
Unit 4/0Feed Your Mind别让你的脑子挨饿
Unit 5/0Youre Not Special你并不特别
Unit 6/0Unhappier Marriages For
Kids of Divorce?第二婚姻中的孩子都是
Unit 7/0No One Can Be Perfect没有人可以完美无缺
Unit 8/0What Is The Equation For A
Happy, Healthy Teen?青少年怎样才能更健康幸福
Unit 9/0The Language Of Music音乐的语言
Unit 10/0Learning:A Lifelong Career学习:一生的事业
Unit 11/0Ten Golden Rules To Young
People From Bill Gates比尔·盖茨致青年的
Unit 12/0Knowledge And Virtue知识与美德
Unit 13/0Great Expense On Private
Tutors By Asian Parents亚洲家长不惜掷重金请家教
Unit 14/0Moms Pass On Experience
Without Even Trying母亲的经验可“自动”
Unit 15/0Children From Poor Families
Are More Likely To Eat Junk
Unit 16/0If I Rest, I Rust如果我休息,我就会生锈
Unit 17/0Top Parenting Info:
Be Consistent最重要的教养之道:坚定
Unit 18/0Three Days To See假如给我三天光明
Part Two财富金融
Unit 1/0No Global Recession But
Risks Rise全球经济并未衰退 但风险
Unit 2/0The US Dollar Will Lose
Dominance By 20252025年:美元不再独霸?
Unit 3/0$7.5 Million:The Threshold
For "Rich"美国富翁:身家至少750万美元
Unit 4/0A Third Of British Can Never
Pay Back1/3英国人终生无法偿清债务
Unit 5/0The Rich Grew Richer After
The Global Recession金融危机后富人更富
Unit 6/0The “Herding Effect” Makes
Bargain Hunters Sign Up
To Groupon“羊群效应”促进团购
Unit 7/0The Problems Brought To
Singapore By Foreign Wealthy富豪太多也让政府头疼
Unit 8/0All For One And One For All共同基金大不同
Unit 9/0Learn How To Manage Money学理财
Unit 10/0Eat The Rich?仇富?
Unit 11/0Friends Relationship May
Cost You In Business和朋友一起做生意会影响
Unit 12/0How To Come Up With A
Good Brand Name如何给品牌取名
Unit 13/0Asian, New National Interest美国人看好亚洲
Unit 14/BRICS Bid For More
Say In IMF金砖国家谋求IMF更大
Part Three异域风采
Unit 1/Loving France法兰西之恋
Unit 2/Elysee Palace法国爱丽舍宫
Unit 3/Converting Taxi Into A Hotel伦敦出租车变身特色旅馆
Unit 4/British Pub Etiquette英国的酒吧礼仪
Unit 5/Serving A Sunday Feast英国的周日大餐
Unit 6/A White HorseHair Wig In Court英国法官白色马尾假发
Unit 7/Freshers Week In UK英国大学新生周
Unit 8/Happy Fourth Of July!美国,生日快乐!
Unit 9/American Superstitions美国迷信
Unit 10/Customer Service美式顾客服务
Unit 11/Raising Children In America育儿在美国
Unit 12/Venetian Vacation威尼斯之旅
Unit 13/Do As The Romans Did?巨蛋始祖:罗马竞技场
Unit 14/Bhutan: Hidden Lands Of
Unit 15/A Little Country With Pretty小国家,大美丽
Unit 16/Neanderthals Were
Unit 17/Chinese Etiquette中国礼节
Unit 18/How Neanderthals Fought
Unit 19/Dont Be An April Fool!整人有理,只在愚人节!
Unit 20/What Is Christmas About?圣诞节的那些事?
Unit 21/The Origin Of Christmas圣诞起源
Unit 22/Father’s Day父亲节的来历
Unit 23/Greek Island Shows Signs
Of Volcanic Unrest希腊岛屿显示火山
Unit 24/Gentle Butterfly Battle绅士的蝴蝶
Part Four涓涓真情
Unit 1/Please Do Not Snuff Out
The Candle别让蜡烛熄灭
Unit 2/Juliette Drouet To Victor Hugo朱丽叶·德鲁埃致
Unit 3/The Nails And The Fence钉子和篱笆
Unit 4/George Washington To His Wife华盛顿致妻子的信
Unit 5/Shelley To Elizabeth Hitchhiker雪莱致伊丽莎白·西琴勒
Unit 6/Napoleon To Josephine拿破仑致约瑟芬
Unit 7/Wise Enough To See the Little
Surprise In Life瞬间之美
Unit 8/Children’s Presents孩子的礼物
Unit 9/Give But Do Not Expect In Love真爱,零期待
Unit 10/Bettine Brentano To Goethe贝停·布伦塔诺致歌德
Unit 11/A Box Full Of Kisses装满吻的匣子
Unit 12/Wild Flowers野花:美经不起蹉跎
Unit 13/Back Home回家
Unit 14/Roses For Rose来自天堂的玫瑰
Unit 15/The Value Of Mother’s Love母爱的价值
Unit 16/The Color Of Love爱到最高点,心中无国界
Unit 17/World Of Smiles充满微笑的世界
Unit 18/Its Just Where I Am让爱停留
Unit 19/Love Is Everything有爱就有了一切
Unit 20/Running In The Rain雨中奔跑
Unit 21/One Girl Changed My Life一位女孩改变了我的生活
Unit 22/A Woman’s Tears柔弱的眼泪,坚强的心
Unit 23/Send The Peace Of Goodness
To Others向他人传递和平的“波纹”
Unit 24/You Can’t Be Replaced今生只有你不可取代
Part Five灵智心语
Unit 1/The Art Of Forgiveness宽恕的艺术
Unit 2/I Want! I Do! I Get!我想!我做!我得到!
Unit 3/On Motes And Beams微尘与栋梁
Unit 4/Persistence Pays苦尽甘来
Unit 5/Just For Today就为了今天
Unit 6/If I Had My Life To Live Over...如果有来生
Unit 7/The Road Of Life生活之路
Unit 8/Get A Thorough Understanding
Of Oneself要悟透自己 就是正确认识自己
Unit 9/People In Your Life你生活中的人们
Unit 10/No Pain No Success不经历风雨怎么见彩虹
Unit 11/The Love Of Beauty爱美
Unit 12/It Matters To This One对这只来说有意义
Unit 13/Catch The Star That Will
Take You To Your Dreams追随你的梦想
Unit 14/Autumn—The Harvest Season秋天——收获的季节
Unit 15/Youth青春
Unit 16/You Have Only One Life生命只有一次
Unit 17/Ambition抱负
Unit 18/There Is One Day有那么一天
Unit 19/Excuse借口
Unit 20/If I Were A Boy Again假如我又回到了童年
Unit 21/My Love我的爱
Unit 22/What Will Matter?何为重要?
Unit 23/Future Can Be Anything将来一切皆有可能
Unit 24/Wisdom In Lose And Get运用智慧,适时舍得
Unit 25/Random Thoughts On
The Window窗
Unit 26/Never Give Up永不放弃
Unit 27/Enjoy Loneliness享受孤独
Unit 28/Home On The Way旅人的家
Unit 29/Air And Opportunity机会如空气,请善待机会
Unit 30/Love Your Life热爱生活
Unit 31/What I Have Lived For我为何而生
Unit 32/Companionship Of Books以书为伴
Unit 33/Have Faith, And Expect
The Best心怀信念,并追求完美
Unit 34/Try To Enjoy Every Moment
Of Your Life享受世间苦乐悲喜
Unit 35/It All Depends On What
Youre Listening for你能听到什么取决于
Unit 36/The Secret To Success成功需要一点儿失败
Unit 37/Who You Met In The Those
Beautiful Moments在人生最美的时候你
Unit 38/Lifes A Cafeteria生活就像自助餐
Unit 39/Hope Is Right There Above
Your Head抬起头来,希望就在眼前
Unit 40/Gifts From The Heart来自内心的礼物
