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定 价:¥36.00

作 者: 郑雯嫣,陆国飞
出版社: 海洋出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787502793319 出版时间: 2016-08-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 203 字数:  






Unit One The Solar Terms and Festivals
Text A The Chinese Calendar and the 24 Solar Terms
Text B The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival
Unit Two Chinese Tea Culture
Text A The Schools of Tea
Text B Gongfu Tea Ceremony
Unit Three Tourist Attractions
Text A Beijing Attractions
Text B A Guide to World Natural and Cultural Heritages in China..
Unit Four Sports
Text A From Cuju to Football
Text B Badminton Genius—— Lin Dan
Unit Five Fashion
Text A Chinese Philosophy of Beauty
Text B Korean Wave and Chinese Wind
Unit Six Chinese Clothing
Text A The History of Chinese Clothing
Text B Charming Cheongsams
Unit Seven Chinese Education
Text A A Brief Introduction of Chinese Ancient Education
Text B Higher Dducation in China
Unit Eight Chinese Characters
Text A The Evolution of Chinese Characters
Text B The Formation of Chinese Characters
Unit Nine The Four Treasures of the Study
Text A The Four Treasures of the Study: They Record Civilization...
Text B Four Arts
Unit Ten Tang Poetry and Song Ci
Text A A Brief Introduction to Tang Poetry and Song Ci
Text B Bai Juyi and His Poetry
Unit Eleven Chinese Wine
Text A Where Does Wine Come From?
Text B How to Make Heavenly Homemade Fruit Wines
Unit Tewleve Traditional Chinese Medicine
Text A Philosophical Background of TCM
Text B Diagnosis and Treatments in TCM
