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英语2(非英语专业用 第3版共2册)

英语2(非英语专业用 第3版共2册)

定 价:¥41.00

作 者: 孙倚娜,叶建敏
出版社: 苏州大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787567217706 出版时间: 2016-07-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 353 字数:  


  《英语(2 非英语专业用 第3版 套装共2册)》每单元设一个主题(Theme),即以主课文(Text A)的主题为中心,其他副课文(Text B)、听说等内容的话题都与主题密切相关,便于学生充分利用主课文中已学过的语言素材进行听说训练,提高其语言运用能力。每单元含有阅读技巧介绍,全书内容循序渐进,难度逐渐加大,所涉及的示例及练习也主要取材于单元课文本身;每单元配有语法介绍,内容由浅入深,重视基础训练;每单元还系统地设计了写作策略培训,从构句认知,到句子组合连接、段落构建及应用写作,着眼于扎实的基础性写作训练。


暂缺《英语2(非英语专业用 第3版共2册)》作者简介


Unit 1 Friendship
Part Ⅰ Interaction
Language Focus
Text A Friends
Part Ⅱ Grammar Project
Nouns(3) [名词(3)]
Part Ⅲ Listening
Part Ⅳ Reading and Writing
Text B Building Bridges
1.Practising Reading Skills : Understanding Figurative Languages
2.Guided Writing: Connecting Ideas (1)
Unit 2 Science
Part Ⅰ Interaction
Language Focus
Text A Able to See Again
Part Ⅱ Grammar Project
Pronouns (2) [代词(2)]
Part Ⅲ Listening
Part Ⅳ Reading and Writing
Text B Organs of the Body
1.Practising Reading Skills: Understanding Idiomatic Expressions
2.Guided Writing: Connecting Ideas (2)
Unit 3 Marriage
Part Ⅰ Interaction
Language Focus
Text A The American Wedding
Part Ⅱ Grammar Project
Pronouns (3) [代词(3)]
Part Ⅲ Listening
Part Ⅳ Reading and Writing
Text B American Couples
1.Practising Reading Skills: Making Inferences
2.Guided Writing: Connecting Ideas (3)
Unit 4 Health
Part Ⅰ Interaction
Language Focus
Text A How to Keep Fit
Part Ⅱ Grammar Project
Determiners (2) [限定词(2)]
Part Ⅲ Listening
Part Ⅳ Reading and Writing
Text B The Secret of Long Life
1.Practising Reading Skills: Predicting from Subtitles
2.Guided Writing : Connecting Ideas (4)
Unit 5 Leisure
Part Ⅰ Interaction
Language Focus
Text A How Do Television Shows Influence People's Behavior
Part Ⅱ Grammar Project
Numbers (1) [数词(1) ]
Part Ⅲ Listening
Part Ⅳ Reading and Writing
Text B Travel
1.Practising Reading Skills: Distinguishing between Facts and Opinions
2.Guided Writing: Connecting Ideas (5)
Unit 6 Autobiography
Part Ⅰ Interaction
Language Focus
Text A A Final Loss (Ⅰ)
Part Ⅱ Grammar Project
Numbers (2) [数词(2)]
Part Ⅲ Listening
Part Ⅳ Reading and Writing
Text B AFinalLoss (1I)
1.Practising Reading Skills: Identifying the Author's Purpose (1)
2.Guided Writing : Connecting Ideas (6)
Unit 7 Environment
Part Ⅰ Interaction
Language Focus
Text A Save Deep Sea Life
Part Ⅱ Grammar Project
Interrogatives (1) [疑问句(1)]
Part Ⅲ Listening
Part Ⅳ Reading and Writing
Text B Air Pollution
1.Practising Reading Skills: Identifying the Author's Purpose (2)
2.Guided Writing: Connecting Ideas (7)
Unit 8 Generation Gap
Part Ⅰ Interaction
Language Focus
Text A Sometimes It's Just Words
Part Ⅱ Grammar Project
The Passive Voice (1) [被动语态(1)]
Part Ⅲ Listening
Part Ⅳ Reading and Writing
Text B Being a Smooth Motivator
1.Practising Reading Skills: Reading between the Lines
2.Guided Writing: Connecting Ideas (8)
Unit 9 Woman
Part Ⅰ Interaction
Language Focus
Text A Women Lead Differently
Part Ⅱ Grammar Project
Comparatives and Superlatives (1) [形容词和副词比较级(1)]
Part Ⅲ Listening
Part Ⅳ Reading and Writing
Text B Men and Women Talk Different Languages
1.Practising Reading Skills: Skimming (1)
2.Guided Writing: Connecting Ideas (9)
Unit 10 Nature
Part Ⅰ Interaction
Language Focus
Text A Did Animals' \
