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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语商务英语俱进英语综合教程1(教师用书)



定 价:¥46.00

作 者: 苗京伟
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787544643993 出版时间: 2016-09-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 262 字数:  


  《俱进英语综合教程(1 教师用书)》根据我国高职高专院校公共英语教学实践编写,从高职高专学生真实的英语基础出发,培养其一定的英语综合应用能力、较强的跨文化交际能力和完备的基本职业素养。




Module 1 Phonetics
Unit 1 Phonetic Symbols(I)
I. 英语语音基础
Unit 2 Phonetic Symbols(11)
Unit 3 Phonetic Symbolso
Unit 4 Sense Groups&Stresses.
1. 意群
Unit 5 Liaison&Intonation.
L 连读
U nlt 6 Test&Further Development
1.rest on Unit 1-Unit S
III.Further DeveloPment:Speeches
Module 2 CaIIligraphy
Unit 1 Family
Part I A Song to Sing
Part II A Poem to Appreciate
Section A M-O-T-H-E-R
Section B What Makes a Dad?
Part III A Passage to Read
Section A Family
Section B Generation Gap
Part IV After-class Recitation
Unit 2 Dream
Part I A Poem to Appreciate
Part II A Song to Sing
Section A I Dreamed a Dream
Section B I Believe I Can Fly
Part III A Passage to Read
Section A Catch the Star That Will Take You to Your Dreams
Section B A Dream
Part IV After-class Recitation
Unit 3 Friendship
Part I A Passage to Read
Part II A Song to Sing
Section A You Raise Me Up
Section B Shining Friends
Part III A Poem to Appreciate
Section A My Friend
Section B The Arrow and the Song
Part IV After-class Recitation
Unit 4 Love
Part I A Passage to Read
Part II A Poem to Appreciate
Section A Partingat Morning
Section B When You Are Old
Part III A Song to Sing
Section A Take Me to Your Heart
Section B My Heart Will Go On
Part IV After-class Appreciation
Unit 1 Chatting
Part I Lead-in
Part II Daily-life Situation Simulation
Section A About Making Friends
Section B About English Words Memorizing
Part III Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
Part IV Daily-life Skills Practice
Part V Daily-life Skills Extension
Unit 2 Eating Out
Part I Lead-in
Part II Daily-life Situation Simulation
Section A At Table
Section B At the Buffet
Part III Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
Part IV Daily-life Skills Practice
Part V Daily-life Skills Extension
Unit 3 Shopping
Part I Lead-in
Part II Daily-life Situation Simulation
Section A Going to the Department Store
Section B At a CIothingStore
Part III Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
Part IV Daily-life Skills Practice
Part V Daily-life Skills Extension
Unit 4 Travelling
Part I Lead-in
Part II Daily-life Situatin Simulation
Section A Booking a Ticket
Section B VisitingGuilin
Part III Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
Part IV Daily-life Skills Practice
Part V Daily-life Skills Extension
Unit 5 Entertainment
Part I Lead-in
Part II Daily-life Situation Simulation
Section A Goingto a Movie
Section B At the Bar
Part III Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
Part IV Daily-life Skills Practice
Part V Daily-life Skills Extension
Module 5 Culture
Unit 1 Campus Life
Part I Lead-in
Part II Reading
Section A Anxiety over Student Drivers
Section B Making New Friends
Section C The Difference a Teacher Can Make
Part III Culture Express
Part IV Extended Exercises
Unit 2 Holidays
Part I Lead-in
Part II Reading
Section A Christmas Present
Section B Halloween
Section C My Forever Valentine
Part Ill Culture Express
Part IV Extended Exercises
Unit 3 Religions
Part I Lead-in
Part II Reading
Section A Prophet of Judaism:Moses
Section B The Garden of Eden and the Serpent
Section C Christianity in the United States
Part III Culture Express
Part IV Extended Exercises
Unit 4 Music
Part I Lead-in
Part II Reading
Section A Country Music
Section B Me and My Cello
Section C Reasons to Play a Musical Instrument
Part III Culture Express
Part IV Extended Exercises
