目 录
1. 一封奇怪的信
A strange letter
2. 谁是条件合适的女孩?
Who will be the proper girl?
3. 两件红衬衫
Two red shirts
4. 钱乐乐是大家的好朋友
Qian Lele is our good friend!
5. 人啊,为什么要分别呢?
People, why do we have to separate from each other?
6. 好心人在哪里?
Where is the good-hearted person?
7. 让人激动的巧合
The exciting coincidence
8. 高远不见了
Gao Yuan is missing!
9. 还是要“手拉手”
Still need “hand-in-hand”
10. 可怜的孩子
A poor child
11. 第二个父母
The second parents
12. 钱聪明的心里有点儿乱
Qian Congming got a messy mind!
13. 电影《两件红衬衫》
The film Two Red Shirts
生词表 Vocabulary List
练习 Exercises
练习答案 Answer key to the exercises