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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语商务英语商务英语职场王(2017年新版)



定 价:¥42.00

作 者: 阿曼达·克兰德尔·巨(Amanda Crandell Ju)
出版社: 湖南文艺出版社
标 签: 口语/生活实用英语 商务/职场英语 外语


ISBN: 9787540479046 出版时间: 2017-02-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 400 字数:  




  阿曼达·克兰德尔·巨(Amanda Crandell Ju):美国人,王牌英语口语畅销书作者,长期从事国际商务和跨文化交流,曾供职于广播电台和纸质新闻媒体;近期专攻市场营销与品牌合并。


  商务词汇 Business Vocabulary
  公司部门名称 Company Department Designations
  职位名称 Addressing a Supervisor
  财务类词汇 Financial Terms
  办公用品名称 Office Equipment
  计算机常用词汇 Common Computer Terms
  网络常用词汇 Common Internet Terms
  行业名称 Industries and Career Fields
  政治词汇 Political Terms
  餐饮词汇 Food and Beverages
  旅行词汇 Travel
  商务礼仪十大要诀 Ten Keys to Good Business Etiquette
  会议 Meetings
  电话 Phone
  电子邮件 E-mail
  打断 Interruptions
  客户、顾问和新雇员 Guests,Consultants and NewEmployees
  赞赏和认可 Appreciation&Credit
  着装和形象 Dress&Appearance
  社交 Social Settings
  引荐介绍 Introductions
  西餐就餐礼仪 Western Table Manners
  总结 Conclusion
  商务口语300句 Business Spoken English-300 Sentences
  好消息与坏消息 Sharing Good News and Bad News
  表达需求与应答 Expressing and Responding to Demands
  发表意见与应答 Expressing and Responding to Opinions
  赞成与反对 Agreeing and Disagreeing
  满意与不满 Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
  邀请与接受、拒绝 Making,Accepting and DecliningInvitations
  推荐与建议 Giving Suggestions and Recommendations
  埋怨与指责 Complaining and Criticizing
  道歉与应答 Making and Accepting Apologies
  感谢与应答 Giving and Receiving Thanks
  赞誉与祝福 Giving Praise and Blessings
  误会与解释 Dealing with Miscommunications
  不同程度的肯定 Expressing Varying Degrees of Certainty
  表达可能性 Expressing Possibility
  掌握电话技巧 Telephone Skills
  接听电话 Answering the Phone
  让对方等候 Placing the Caller on Hold
  筛选来电 Screening Calls
  留言 Taking Messages
  打电话 Placing a Call
  转接电话 Transferring Calls
  熟悉办公事务 In the Office
  通知 Making Announcements
  转达消息 Conveying Information
  确认 Making Confirmations
  汇报工作 Reporting on Work
  安排约见 Booking Appointments
  安排上司行程 Creating an Itinerary for the Boss
  订购办公用品 Ordering Office Supplies
  讨论办公设备 Discussing Office Equipment
  填写表格 Filling out Forms
  正式会议的程序 Formal Meeting Procedure
  和同事建立良好关系 Building Relationships with Coworkers
  和领导讨论问题 Discussing Concerns with Superiors
  高效组织会议 Meetings
  设计议程表 Designing an Agenda
  有效地开场 Starting a Meeting Effectively
  集思广益 Team Brainstorming
  提出一个论点 Presenting an Argument
  让你的建议被采纳 Making Your Suggestion Heard
  表达观点 Giving Opinions
  赞同、反对和妥协 Agreeing,Disagreeing,andCompromising
  有效地结束会议 Ending a Meeting Effectively
  拉近客户关系 Client Reception
  首次和客户会晤 Meeting a Client for the First Time
  交换名片Exchanging Business Cards
  交换礼物 Exchanging Gifts
  寒暄 Making Small Talk
  工作午餐 The Working Lunch
  观光 Sightseeing
  考察工厂Factory Tours
  告别和致谢 Farewells and Thanks
  介绍自己和公司 You and Your Company
  自我介绍 Introducing Yourself
  介绍上司、同事和访客 Introducing Your Boss, Coworkers, and Visitors
  介绍公司各部门 Introducing Company Departments
  介绍你的公司 Describing Your Company
  介绍一种新产品 Introducing a New Product
  介绍你的服务 Describing Your Service
  成为谈判高手 Negotiation
  区别对待人和事 Separating the People from the Problem
  关注立场背后的利益 Focusing on the Interests Behind the Positions
  创造双赢的选择 Inventing Options for Mutual Gain
  使用独立的标准 Using Independent Standards
  考虑最佳备选方案 Considering the Best Alternative
  潇洒做演讲 Presentations
  演讲当天 On the Day of Presentation
  满怀信心的开端 Beginning with Confidence
  组织论点 Organizing Your Points
  用心回答问题 Handling Questions with Care
  收尾有力 Concluding with Power
