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定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 付敬
出版社: 新世界出版社
标 签: 外交/国际关系 政治 政治/军事


ISBN: 9787510461095 出版时间: 2017-02-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  






Silk Road Initiative Fit into EU RecoveryGoals
‘Landslide’ EU Vote Result IsLess than It May Appear
Back to Normal, But Still Much to Do
Taking a Page from Europe’s Book
Real Partnership with EU JustStarts Unfolding
Czechs Help Build CommonProsperity
Uneasy Times as Belgium Mournsthe Dead After Terror Attacks
Opportunities for All as ChinaPursues Eco-friendly Growth
Aging Population Not Necessarilya Burden
Chinese Kids Abroad Need ChineseSchools
Brussels Streets Show the Dual View of China
Spring Festival DiplomacyCounters Critics’ Claims
Davos Doubters Won over by China
Swiss Offer Lessons in Soft Power
New Year’s Wish: Greener Chinaand Safer Europe
Climate Talks’ Legacy Must Not GoSilent
Green Plans Need Coal MineClosures
EU Can Gain by Granting MarketEconomy Status
Rich Countries Should HonorClimate Vows
Paris Success Would Boost GlobalConfidence
This Father’s Hopes for Son’sSafety in His City
Currency Inclusion Makes SystemFairer
A Green Transformation over SixYears
Plans for Next Five Years CanDraw on UKVisit
Warning to EU Exposes BiasAgainst China
EU Should Help Build More Bridgeswith China
EU Must Pressure US into Takingin Syrian Refugees
Western Leaders Missed RareChance to Build Peace
Will Japan Ever Have Courage toOwn up to Its Past
Tsipras Faces a Tough Task toTrigger Growth
Time for EU and China to Act ona Free-Trade Deal
Principals on Front Line ofClimate Change Education
Property Market Needs SoundPolicy Foundations
Many Benefits of a Grand Plan forAffordable Housing
From Russia, with Peace, Progress andPurpose
Will GreeceEver Seize Its ChinaOpportunities
EU Should Fulfil Role of TrueStrategic Partner
Time for Real Change, Not toShortchange
French Support for Silk Road Initiatives
EU Controls on Dual-Use TechExports Too Tight
Western Politics Distorts Imageof China
China’s New Road Began in Small Village
West Has Spurned Putin’s PeaceGesture
Let Words of Conflict Be Put toRest
Deepen Ties ThroughNation-Province Pairing
Belgium’s Mixed Signals to China
A Loose Grasp of a Changing World
EU Cannot Afford to Miss out onBank
Egypt’s Capital Idea Is Bold andInnovative
Rude Shock, and No Breakfast, ona High-Speed Train
The 100-Minute Countdown to anApocalypse
A Road by Any Other Name
Stolen at Knifepoint: a Sense ofSafety
PM’s Choice: New Ideas orPolitical Death
Greece’s Path Is Neither Left nor Right
A Time to Act, a Time to StickTogether
Election at Risk of Becoming aGreek Tragedy
Silk Road Initiatives Not Simply AboutTrade
Tusk Should Prioritize Building Bridgewith China
New Jobs Rising from China’s Smog
The Gap Between EU Ambitions andReality
West Needs to Recognize China’s GreenLeadership
Juncker Follows in Footsteps ofHis Hero
EU Needs Change of Approach to BeGreen Leader
Weighing the Van Rompuy Years ofEU
Courtesy, Not Confrontation, Bestfor Europe
China Needs More Creative Input inEducation
Let Everyone Feel the Joy of PaidVacation
Beijing Expectant Over Change at EU Helm
Voters of the EU Send out aWake-Up Call
An Outline That Can Make a BigDifference
Time to Nip Trouble in the Bud
Cameron Scores Big in MediaSphere
Disappointing Outcome to ClimateTalks
Finding a Hotel Room in DavosChallenges Me
Spending a Pretty Penny Can BeConfusing
